Chapter 51: The Boy Who Smiled

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TW: Death, gore, a CPS worthy scene

A cool, crisp breeze fanned against Naerys' rosy cheeks as she looked around, seeing nothing but fields of green surrounding her. The only sound she could find was the faint rustling of leaves that blew in the winds, but when her eyes followed where the wind would take them, she saw a figure sitting at the top of a hill on a bench.

Curiosity led her steps uphill cautiously, letting her see the dark curls that draped down the figure's back. She could tell it was a man judging by the broad build of him, but when she reached the top, the wind was knocked right out of her.

The man turned to her with a dazzling smile, rising to his feet as he said. "There's my little princess."

***Daddy Harwin came to check on his little girl😭😭😭***

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***Daddy Harwin came to check on his little girl😭😭😭***

"Father!" Naerys blubbered as she practically jumped into his arms with tears streaming down her face. His arms wrapped tightly around her with a soft chuckle coming from the back of his throat. She almost didn't want to let go, for she feared he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

He kissed the top of her head as he asked. "Why am I seeing you so soon, princess?"

She looked up at him with a puzzled expression, but she couldn't seem to find any words. She couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. He felt so warm, and he smiled at her as if not a day had passed since she last saw him as a child. It didn't hit her until now just how badly she needed her father. No matter the circumstances, she always knew she could fall apart in front of him.

She buried her face against his chest, holding tightly onto the fabric of his dark blue tunic as she wept uncontrollably in his arms. His arms pulled her even closer as he shushed her gently with his one hand brushing through her dark curls.

The sound of laughter filled the air, making her pull away in search of the source. Her eyes traveled down the other side of the hill, where she saw children running around, chasing each other through fits of giggles, but then not too far off to the side she saw more gathering at a table, watching the wilder ones with delight.

At first it brought a faint smile to Naerys' face, until she noticed all of the faces of those below. She saw Helaena's twins with the brightest smiles, running from Alleras who was pretending to be a monster chasing after them. She could hear the proud chuckles of Rhaenys, Lyonel and Viserys from the table in between their conversations.

But what hit Naerys the hardest was seeing her late husband, Qyle, sitting down against a tree with his legs stretched out and three little children crawling around him. She recognized little Aerys immediately when she saw his short, dark curls, but she didn't know the two little girls that joined in her son's playfulness.

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