Chapter 82

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[I'm so sorry, I had a problem with this chapter, I don't understand why but I was able to publish it in full, probably because I didn't publish it with the phone that I normally use. So some of you were able to read it but when I reopened Wattpad, I realized that part of the chapter was deleted. So I had to rewrite it trying to rewrite the same thing]

Judge : you can sit down. I'm Mister Specter. I am accompanied by 2 colleagues judges, Misters Walters and Evans. The government is represented by the DA, Mister Del Monte. We're are for the case Bradford and Chen v. Rosalind Dyer. Mr. Evers and Mr. Murdock, please introduce your clients
Wesley : I'm Wesley Evers, attorney-at-law and I represent Miss Chen and Mister Bradford, the victims
Specter : Miss Chen, Mister Bradford, are you asking for damages?
Tim : yes, we are your Honor
Specter : Mister Murdock ?
Matt : I'm Matthew Murdock, attorney-at- law and I represent Miss Dyer and Mister Romanoff, the accused
Specter : Mr. Del Monte
Del Monte : I'm Mr. Del Monte, district attorney and I represent the interests of the State
Specter : thank you, now, let me recount the facts so that everyone is aware. Six months ago, Ms. Chen was on patrol with fellow Officer Aaron Thorsen. They received a call indicating the kidnapping of a young woman by 2 men. The woman does not wish to be part of the trial. Ms. Chen and Mr. Thorsen went to the scene where they were shot. That's when Ms. Chen was kidnapped. It took the LAPD detectives 9 days to find her. They were also able to identify the men. Their names: Caleb and Chris. Once they arrived at the place where Ms. Chen was taken prisoner, the police were unable to arrest the two men since they shot at each other with robbed guns when they saw the LAPD arrive. While searching for Ms. Chen, teams dispatched to the scene found numerous cameras, all linked to a phone in Ms. Dyer's cell. Ms. Chen was found between life and death and was taken to the hospital where she underwent surgery. She had several external and internal injuries. Once released from the hospital, Ms. Chen and her boyfriend, Sergeant Tim Bradford, had a meal delivered. Then, they went out for a walk on the beach. It was at this point that Mr Bradford began having difficulty breathing. Ms. Chen called two friends, Ms. Angela Lopez, LAPD detective and her husband Mr. Wesley Evers, attorney-at-law who took Mr. Bradford to hospital. He had to be intubated and placed in an induced coma while he waited for his lungs to recover. The coma lasted for 4 months and a lung transplant was considered. At the same time, LAPD investigators and doctors worked closely together to understand what was happening to Mr. Bradford. It turned out he was suffering from poisoning, due to a new molecule, which was in his meal and which reacted with a smoke inhaled by Mr. Bradford on the beach. The investigations carried out by the police made it possible to find the culprit, Mr. Stephen Romanoff, here present in the dock. He was questioned by Detective Angela Lopez and Detective Nyla Harper. He was accompanied by a court-appointed lawyer, Mr. Matthew Murdock. During questioning, Mr. Romanoff admitted that he worked under Ms. Dyer orders. Does anyone have anything to add regarding the facts ?... No one ? Okay fine

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