Chapter 17 - Una

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The next morning, Hannah woke up before Ethan and took a moment to take in how huge and spacious his bedroom was while she got her bearings.
The floor to ceiling arched window was blocked out by thick, luxurious, satin blue curtains. A huge, oval shaped chandelier hung from the ceiling above them, making the room feel wider than it was.
His plain matching blue bedcovers were pure egyptian cotton and felt so soft and warm against her skin. It was like an embrace.
He had a built-in wardrobe opposite the bed with sliding doors made of strong dark wood. Some of the doors were still open, and she could see clothing spaced out on the many shelves and clothing rails.
The floors were a matching dark wood with long black rugs beside both sides of the bed to save them from putting their feet on the cold floor.
She checked on Ethan, who was lying on his side, facing her. His face was so peaceful and untroubled, she didn't dare wake him.
Instead, she slipped out of bed, pulled on the clothes she'd worn yesterday, quickly used the large ensuite, and left him to lay in a little longer.
Her phone had been left on the sofa, and she picked it up to check the time.
Four in the morning?!
She hadn't been up this early since Bea was a toddler!
She looked around the spacious living room, biting her lip as she wondered what she should do.
She chose to sit on her phone playing one of Bea's games. In the game, you opened restaurants, maxing out the different dishes before moving onto the next one, while collecting clothing for your character. It was bizarrely addictive.
Before she knew it, an hour had passed. The living room was flooded with the morning sunshine, and Ethan finally emerged, just in his boxers, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he made his way to the kitchen.
She silently watched him, admiring his toned body and feeling her mouth salivate.
He got to the kitchen and opened a cupboard, blanching suddenly and looking back at his counter.
"Oh fucking bollocks!" He groaned and stomped off to his office.
She stared in bewilderment at what just happened when he re-emerged, drinking a can of energy drink.
She snorted loudly, making him jump and drop the can.
"Sorry," she giggled as he quickly snatched up the can and sighed at the spill on the floor.
"Just make me aware you're here next time." He mumbled, going to the kitchen for a tea towel.
He was just about to start clearing it up when Bea came out of her room.
Ethan, remembering he was only in his boxers, quickly tried to hide his modesty in the office but slipped on the spilt drink and slammed to the floor, flat on his back.
"Oh my god! Ethan!" Hannah cried, launching off the sofa to get to him.
He stayed where he was on the floor, laughing so hard at himself he couldn't make a sound. This, in turn, infected her, and she got to her knees beside him, laughing.
"How come I've become such a disaster since you came into my life?!" He laughed accusingly. "I swear, I was never this bloody clumsy before."
She laughed harder and leaned down to kiss him. "I love it." She whispered against his lips.
"Are you ok, Ethan?" Bea asked, looking worried because he hadn't moved yet.
"Yeah, I'm ok, Princess. I just slipped on my drink, that's all." He grunted as he sat up and took a moment to compose himself.
Bea accepted his explanation and immediately switched back to her usual excitement.
"What are we doing today, mummy?" She bounced on her toes.
"Im not sure yet, buzzy Bea." Hannah bit her lip.
She knew Ethan and her would be going out to get a feel for being in the spotlight together, but what was Bea, Mum, and Lisa going to do?
Ethan rolled onto his knees before standing up straight.
"Let's have a think, shall we?" He grunted and held a hand to his back as he stretched it out, then walked towards the bedroom, disappeared for a moment, then returned with a pair of trousers on and carrying a t-shirt.
He sat down on the sofa and pulled on the crisp white top, patting his knee for Bea to sit once it was on.
Bea came bounding over and sat on his knee, bouncing again.
"I think you'll really like the swimming pool here. Do you know how to swim?"
She shook her head, and he bit his lip.
"Ok, maybe not..."
"I want to go swimming! I've never been swimming!"
Hannah rolled her eyes and came to join them on the sofa.
"You have. You were just too small to remember. I wanted to get her lessons but could never afford it. Plus, she doesn't have her costume here."
Ethan nodded his head. "I didn't know how to swim until I was a lot older. I understand." He squished his mouth to the side as he thought again. "There's loads to do around the area, I just dont think it's a good idea she's seen with me until we have worked out our options."
"I'll take her out." Lisa's voice came from her bedroom door. She grinned at the small family on the sofa. "You guys are so fucking cute together, do you know that? By the way, Ethan, that bed is incredible!"
He smirked at her. "You better not have broken the springs!" He joked.
"Who said we used the bed?" She retorted without missing a beat.
"Where did you sleep then?" Bea chimed in.
The adults giggled to themselves.
Hannah sighed herself calm. "Bea, they slept in the bed, ok? Would you like to have a day out with Lisa?"
The change of subject worked like a charm, and the small girl nodded vehemently.
"Yeah! Bea and Lisa day!" Lisa whooped happily.
"What would you like for breakfast, Bea?" Ethan asked.
"Golden nuggets." She replied immediately.
He scrunched up his face. "I dont have golden nuggets here... oh, I know. I'll cook everyone a big breakfast together. We can all eat the same thing, yeah?"

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