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Nobody knew that Jimin had two personalities. Not even Y/N.

One was possessive and another one was obsessive.

Truly speaking, the second personality had both a possessive and obsessive side while Jimin had only a possessive side.

It's been a year since he developed this second personality disorder.

But he knew that it wasn't a second personality.

He could feel it. Feel that the personality was too much different from him.

So to rest assured, he calls it a foreigner resting on his body.

When the night falls, the second personality takes control over the body.

After meeting Y/N when he somehow took over Jimin's body in daylight, the second personality became obsessed with her.

But that personality thought that Y/N's name was Jiwoo since Y/N was wearing Jiwoo's name tag.

On the other hand, Jimin was somehow moved towards Y/N.

So they thought that both of them were thinking of different girls.

The second personality looked at his outfit as he walked out of the room.

He was getting stronger day by day and could control his body finely than before.

Jimin looked at his mobile and found Y/N's pictures that he had taken before when he stalked her.

He cursed and walked outside. He wanted to see her.
'How are you feeling?' Y/N's father asked.

'Appa... I am fine.'

'Don't talk too much.' Yoongi frowned.

Y/N sighed.

It's been a day since she woke up from the coma. She found it hard to speak but she was bored.

Yeonjun couldn't come because he wasn't a family member and could only visit her for an hour yesterday and today as well.

Y/N really hoped to get some time alone with her brother since she saw how shaken up he got.

Y/N heard that the kidnappers died when they were running away from the police.

Y/N knew who the kidnappers were. But the question was if she wanted to expose Jiwoo's brothers.

But when she saw Seokjin and Taehyung earlier looking down as they stood outside her ward, made her believe that they knew their mistakes.

So she wanted to avoid telling her brother about them.


Because they are the female lead's brothers.

And they are also her creations since she is the creator of this world.

Y/N felt a mother-like vibe while thinking about it like this.

She sighed.

Her father and brother were about to leave and she wanted to see this time to talk with the Kim brothers.

'I will ask omma to make some soup tomorrow.' Yoongi said.

'Okay, oppa. Bye~'

When she finally was alone, she called the nurse.

'Excuse me, can you help me by calling those two boys from outside?'

'Miss, do you know them?'

'Yes, I do.'

'Okay. But I think nobody can enter without the permission of your brother. There are bodyguards outside.'

Y/N was bewildered by hearing this.

'It's fine. Just tell them it's me who told them to come in. Besides they are my brother's assistant's brothers.'

The nurse nodded and did her job.

One of the bodyguards came inside but Y/N kicked him out again as Seokjin and Taehyung walked inside.

'Hi....' Taehyung scratched his neck and awkwardly greeted her.


'How are you?' He asked.

'As you can see....' Y/N replied sharply.

'My..my brother has made a huge mistake and I do hope you can forgive him which is not right too. So I also hope that you punish him.' Taehyung blabbered.

'Listen, I am ignoring the punishing word and am willing to forgive that ignorant and arrogant brother of yours but I also have some conditions.'

Seokjin only looked at his shoes this whole time but he also peeked and looked at Y/N as his younger brother and the girl talked.

'Sure! Please tell me what is it that you want!'

'My brother can get me whatever I want. But there are some things that I can't ask my brother.'

Taehyung nodded.

'Please make a contract about not disclosing anything to my family members and others.'

Taehyung nodded again and asked his secretary to write down a contract.

They discussed about the penalty and finally, Y/N spoke the conditions.

'You see, I am bored while studying..... I don't want to study.'

Both Seokjin and Taehyung were astonished by Y/N's words.

'But I have a job. I actually know whatever they are teaching so I don't want to repeat those years again.' Y/N spoke again.

'But I can't tell that to my family members. So I want you guys to make a fake Y/N and let that person study in my name and when the time comes, give me the degree she took.'

Y/N knew in this country, it was impossible to fake her degree so she wanted another person to take her place as she focused on developing games.

She was tired of the studies and codings.

She also knew that Seokjin was capable of doing so.

'I can come and take the final exam. Just let that person do my homework and attend the classes.'

It took Taehyung a moment to nod his head.

'May I know about your job? It's completely out of curiosity!'

Y/N nodded.

She didn't think anything would happen if she disclosed her job in front of them.

She took her phone and let him see her ID card.

'I am a game designer and developer. I am making my own game. I have made a few samples and worked on them but this time, the plot is also done by me.'

Taehyung and Seokjin were bewildered.

They didn't know such a small girl was capable of these huge things.

At first, they thought it would be a normal and small company but when they saw the company logo, they were too astonished to speak.

Y/N's position was also high making them think she was inhuman.

'You..... you are a genius!' Taehyung said.

Y/N shook her head.

'I came to this position with my hard work. I am no genius. But I do hope no one from my family gets to know about this. So I hope you will help me put a fake in my position.'

'Of course! We will help!' Taehyung promised.

And that's how Y/N again changed the plot of her own novel and made friends with Jiwoo's brothers who were supposed to be her enemies in the novel...


[I am back hah. It's been so long since I wrote. I had a lot of stuff on my hands and so on. The update will be a little slow this month. Stay safe sweeties]

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