❊ Chapter sixteen: Some time later ❊

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February 22nd 2017


"Don't get yourself suspended Ray!"

"He was the one who punched me first!" I yelled, pointing to my bloodied nose.

"And you're the one who continued the fight!" the principal responded.

I made an aggravated noise.

"What was I supposed to do, let him beat me up? Cry?" I snapped.

"Not engage in a fight!"

"How?" I demanded. "God, why are you so damn naive?"

"Ray Hopkins, come back here right now!" the principal shouted as I grabbed my bag and walked away, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, go take your lectures somewhere else, not me!" I yelled, slamming the door on the way out of the office.

Burning with fury, I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked down the corridors towards the bathroom. Zila - who had been waiting for me - ran after me.

"What happened?" she asked as soon as we got into the bathroom.

"That fucking asshole threatened to suspend me when I wasn't even the one who started the fight!" I snapped, grabbing some tissue and wetting it slightly, before wiping the blood away.

Zila sighed, her arms crossed. I looked at her through the mirror and asked, "Are you gonna tell me not to fight as well?"

She shook her head slowly.

"He did hit you first," my brunette friend replied.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed.


"Zi, don't tell me what I did wrong," I sighed. "I've had enough of that bullcrap from the principal."

Zila laughed.

"I'm going to tell you this, because you're clearly too caught up in your own rage to admit it."

I glared at her through the mirror. My best friend refused to be phased, going on to say, "You really did go for him. Worse than I've seen before."

I turned to her and pointed at my eye where a beautifully big bruise was forming.

"And he didn't?"

Zila looked at the bruise.

"You should go to the school nurse," she advised.

"What, for her to tell me to put a wet paper towel on it?" I asked, smirking slightly.

Zi chuckled.

"You know they work absolute wonders," she added.

"Ohhhh yeah," I replied with a smile. "It completely healed Georgie's broken leg last year."

My friend laughed and hugged me.

"God, you're so annoying," she insulted humorously.

"Am I?" I asked, failing to notice the humour in her voice, pulling away from the hug.

Zi realised and quickly replied, "No, no, I was only joking."

"Oh..." I replied. "Could you maybe not... like say that?"

"Of course," Zila agreed with a comforting smile. "Anything that makes you feel better."

"Thanks," I thanked her.

Hearing voices in the corridor, I muttered, "Shit."

Zi looked towards the door.

"That your social worker?" she asked.

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