5. so british

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Tom put his hand on Isla's shoulder "It's going to be just fine, just try and find out where he is at and we'll bring you there right away" She nods and checks Malachi's location on snapchat "La Medical Center" Isla says looking at the driver who gives a thumbs up and starts heading to the hospital.

"I'm sure he's fine" Zendaya says. Isla nods while fidgeting with her rings. The ride seemed to last forever. Isla wipes a tear away as she steps out of the car. Tom rolls down his window and Isla thanks her brother for the ride and reassures him she'll let him know what happened . She paces to the entrance and calls Malachi's phone. It rings for a bit then a voice answers.


"Hello ms Barton I was jus-"

"This is Malachi"

"Where are you?"

"I'm not home right now uh.. I'm at Mekonnen's"

"I know you're at the hospital Malachi so just tell me where you are"

"ER, its the first right"

"Alright I'll be right there"

Isla tried to hide it but her heart sunk when he said ER but she was still remaining hopeful cause at least he was in the right state to talk to her. The person at the desk asks her who she's looking for and then leads her to Malachi. "Malachi!" Isla rushes over to him. She grabs his face while examining him "You're okay" she says. "Who are you?" Malachi asks. Islas heart breaks. "What do you mean Malachi?" She could feel a tear forming in the corner of her eye. This wasn't happening, this wasn't real.

"Now stop it" Ms Barton says while slapping Malachi on his arm. Malachi laughs but then sees the look on Isla's face. "Noo don't cry Isla I was just messing with you"Isla frowns at him "Not. Funny, So you're okay then?" She asks. "I'm okay" Malachi confirms. Isla looks him deep in his eyes with a questioning look, still holding his face, and wondering if he truly is okay. It was like Malachi read her mind because as he placed his hands on hers he says "Isla I am okay, I just fainted and my mom freaked thats all"

Isla looks at Ms Barton for reassurance and she nods in agreement. "Can't believe you bought that, would you even care if it was real?" Malachi laughs as he wipes some of her mascara away from underneath her eye. "Not. At. All" she says as she rolls her eyes and takes her hands of Malachi's face. He pats the space next to him on his bed inviting her to sit next to him. "Nah mate, I'm good here" Isla says as she sits down on a chair.

"I think I'm going to grab myself a coffee do you guys want anything?" Ms Barton asks. "No thanks I'm good" "Yea me too" Malachi says. When she leaves the room Isla turns around to face Malachi "Was it my fault?" "What do you mean, what was your fault?" Malachi asks confused. "This" she says while spinning circles with her finger. "You mean me fainting?" he laughs. "You know what I'm done with you even, if it was my fault I'd feel disappointed all because you did was faint" Isla jokes.

"Ouch" Malachi says as he playfully grabs his chest, where his heart is. Isla laughs then says "Tell me your biggest fear" "why so" he asks, his eyes still locked in with hers. "Because I'm currently in mine" she says. "Your biggest fear is me?" Malachi asks trying to keep a straight face. "Ofcourse not you dickhead" Isla says as they both burst out laughing.

"It's hospitals, I've always hated them" she admits. "Really, why are you here then" the boy asks her. "Because I thought something happened to you" she says, she didn't really know why it mattered so much to her, why he mattered so much to her. Malachi smiles at her ''Why don't we leave then?'' ''What do you mean? Aren't you here for a reason?'' Isla frowns. ''No, i mean yes but it's nothing basically. Come on Isla'' Malachi says before grabbing her hand and dragging her outside of the room. "What are you doi-'' "Shhh otherwise they'll hear us'' Malachi whispers while covering her mouth. 

Malachi checks around the corner then says ''Clear'' They both run past the nurse's station and run go outside giggling. They both catch their breath when outside. ''What's your mum going to say'' Isla asks. ''Shit, my mom" Malachi says while covering his face. ''Did you really not think of that you dumbarse'' Isla laughs. ''I just wanted to hang out with you to be honest'' Malachi admits. ''You never told me your fear Malachi'' Isla says while sitting down on a bench. ''Losing you'' he says, his eyes waiting for her to respond. ''Ah Malachi are you flirting with me'' She jokes. ''Nah just hot and talking'' Malachi shrugs with a grin on his face. "Yeah right, youre ego is even bigger than the mount everest bro.''

''Bro? ouch.'' the boy jokes. ''You're excited for filming?'' he then asks her. ''Yeah I just hope your caravan isn't too close to mine.'' she says. ''Caravan?'' Malachi bursts out laughing. ''God youre british, we're in America dude it's a trailer.'' ''You knew what i meant just fine'' Isla assured while grabbing her phone. ''Oh look its Freya she's asking if we want to hang out with her and mekonnen'' she says showing the text.  ''Yeah sure let's do it, gotta meet more of the cast right'' Malachi says.

''So what do you wanna do now? I mean you can't actually leave the hospital your mum would be furious'' Isla says. ''We could go live maybe?'' Malachi suggests. ''Yea sure but let me call my brother first, i promised him i would let him know if you were okay'' she explained. ''The spiderman wants to know if im okay?'' Malachi jokefully gasps. ''Don't let it get to your head now kai''

''Hey Tommy''

''Oh hey darling it's Zendaya here, your brother forgot his phone here and is currently doing groceries. I can tell him to call you back if you want me to?

''Ohno it's fine, Tom just wanted me to let him know what happend. Malachi is doing fine, better than fine actually he's way more annoying than usual but yeah all he did was faint so he's fine now.''

''Ill make sure to let him know, and that's good tell Malachi i said hi''

"Zendaya says hi" Isla says to Malachi. ''Zendaya?'' Malachi mouths shocked. Isla nodds then puts her phone back to her ear.

''Oh and Isla?''


''Tell him you love him''

''What? Who?''

''Malachi the way you speak about and to him, it's obvious babe''

''Oh i don't see him that way Z''

''I said the same about your brother darling'' 

Tulip Talking!!

sorry this chapter was so short i just didn't really know what to write tbh lol but i promise the next one will be longer and more Malachi x Isla romatic moments!! xx Tulip

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