Chapter 4 - Will You Stay

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Chapter 4- Will You Stay?

Xian had been holding onto her wrist when their quiet moment was pierced by familiar voices from the courtyard, unmistakably the Du sisters. "Young Miss Lan Hua," their call rang out, stirring a mix of anticipation and wariness. With a gentle nod to Xian, signalling her brief departure, Lan Hua moved gracefully to welcome them. Their arrival was not without purpose; they brought an invitation from the village head, a gathering where Scholar Li's presence was requested in five days. The significance of the town hall loomed large, suggesting matters of weighty concern or communal decision-making were at hand. As Lan Hua ushered the Du sisters into the chamber where Xian was resting, their expressions were a blend of respect and urgency. Upon seeing Xian, they bowed slightly, their traditional greeting underscoring the seriousness of their visit. "Scholar Li," they began, their voices harmonious yet filled with a weighty concern, "the elders request your presence. There are matters regarding your marriage and your role within our village that necessitate discussion." The implication was clear: the upcoming town hall would shape not just Xian's future but potentially the fabric of the community itself. "My wife and I will attend," he declared, the term 'wife' resonating in the air. It was the first time he had called her that, for Lanhua being referred to as his wife ignited a blush and a joyous smile she couldn't hide. Xian, witnessing her reaction, felt a smile tugging at his own lips, a gesture he subtly restrained, yet the warmth in his eyes betrayed his suppression of emotion. This gentle interlude, observed by the sisters, was a testament to the blossoming connection between Xian and Lanhua. "Ruzi, your loyal servant, hasn't returned yet, though he was expected to be here, so managing everything alone must be quite challenging for you," remarked Du Ming, her tone laced with concern. "Oh, not at all," Lan Hua replied with a polite smile, her voice soft yet firm. "My husband has been exceedingly kind, and we've managed quite well together. But thank you for your concern." Her response, graceful and composed, slightly impressed Xian.

After the Du sisters had left, Lan Hua turned to Xian with a thoughtful look. "They seem quite nice, don't they?" she mused. Xian's response was cautious, his voice carrying a note of warning. "It's best not to fully trust anyone here."

LanHua, undeterred, met his gaze squarely. "I know you don't fully trust me either, but you should," she said, her tone earnest."Trust is something that develops over time," Xian replied, his expression softening.

"But I feel like I must have known you in a past life because my gut says I can trust you," LanHua confessed, fully aware of how cringy her words sounded. Just then, her stomach betrayed her with a rumble, breaking the intensity of the moment.

Laughing, Xian quipped, "Your gut telling you to trust me won't feed it" Lan Hua couldn't help but laugh at herself with him. This man who is like an ice statue is capable of laughter? It was almost like he heard her think this and abruptly stopped. "We need to prepare for the meeting," Xian said sternly, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them. "They'll want to verify that you've been taking care of me. They might even probe about your past." He paused, his gaze firm on Lan Hua's. "Maintain that you have amnesia from hitting your head, but assert your noble descent."He continued, confidence threading through his voice despite the gravity of his words, "Ruzi will return with my medication soon, and I will be able to attend the meeting."

"Read the book on women's customs you found earlier," Xian advised, softening slightly. "It will help you understand what's expected of you and how to navigate their questions."LanHua nodded, absorbing his words. The weight of the responsibility, the intricate dance of maintaining their facade, pressed down on her.

As the day waned, Lan Hua busied herself in the kitchen, preparing a simple yet comforting meal of egg fried rice and omelette. With dinner served, she broached the subject of their dwindling supplies. "I need to go to town for groceries; we only have rice," she explained, her voice tinged with concern. To bolster Xian's recovery, she also prepared warm turmeric milk, renowned for its health benefits. Xian, understanding the necessity, offered. "I'll give you some money to buy food, clothes, and whatever else you might need," he said, reaching for a small chest by the table beside him. Lan Hua hesitated, the thought of navigating the market alone daunting. "I must go alone?" she asked, seeking reassurance. Xian's expression changed, regret lacing his voice. "My leg is too inconvenient for me to accompany you, but Ruzi will go to ensure your safety."

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