Chapter Six

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I watch him drive silently. I wonder if he knows where he's going.

"Where do you stay?" Cole asks, but I ignore him. Since he abducted me, he should know where I stay. He looks at me briefly, but remains silent.

"Silent treatment? I'll just take you to my place." He says and I freeze. I've never spent a night outside my hostel unless its with my parents. He better not. I think as he continues to drive.

"Watch me" he says reading my thoughts.

I stare at him quietly. Almost boring holes in the side of his head. He turns to me, noticing my stare. He holds my stare, daring me to look away. I stand my ground, cross my arms across my chest, lift an eye brow, and hold his stare, if he's ready to die, let's all die then, since he's to arrogant to lose a stare off to me.

He finally looks away after almost ending us all. He swerves suddenly, making me hold unto my seat, and the blonde girl behind us to scream. He frowns, looking over at her, "it wasn't that close."

"It wasn't that close?! You almost got us killed, C. You have to be more careful, and avoid petty arguments while you're driving." she says. But he ignores her.

"Zipporah, would you like something to eat? When was the last time you had a real meal? Let's get you something. Okay?" He bombards me, but I just stare at him, confused at his attitude.

We stop at Reiz Hotels, and he gets out of the car, rushing to my side of the car. He opens the door for me and holds out a hand. I silently stare at the outstretched hand, and decide to let him.

I place my hand in his large one, and he helps me out of the car. The moment my feet touch the ground, I remember that my feet were bare. I immediately pause and reach into the car to grab by heels, making this over grown man chuckle. After wearing my heels, I glare at him but say a little "Thank you.", and try to pull my hand out of his, since he already helped me out of the car. But no, he tightens his hold on my hand and starts making big strides into the hotel's dinning area.

I used to think I walked fast, but this man has me running after him.

He looks at me, and smiles. He smiles. But I ignore him, letting him enjoy my misery. He slows down and I finally catch up with his steps.

"What would you like? Hm?" He asks the moment he helps me into my sit. I debate answering him finally cause I don't think I should trust Cole's decision with my food.

"You look adorable, when you're upset. Very pretty." he says making me sigh. I actually thought I was making progress in showing him his place.

"I want fresh fish pepper soup, and jollof rice with plantain."

"Good." 'good'? what does that mean?

"You eat well." He waves the waiter over and makes our orders, and we wait.

"Are you being for real Cole? You really left me in the car there, by myself?! Did you forget about me?" I turn to see the blonde girl, stomping towards our table.

"Rina, stop being dramatic. You know I came here because of Zipporah, and I know you can take care of yourself." He finishes and the girl goes quiet. Our waiter arrives, and Cole turns to the him thanking him for the packed meal. He orders for soft drinks- fanta and coke, then two bottles of water.

I feel a hot stare from my side. So I turn and find blonde girl, staring at me so hard I could have been scared if I wasn't me.

"Excuse you? Stop staring at me. If you're upset you take it up with someone that cares, not me." I finish and stand up, just as the waiter returns with the rest of our stuff and the bill.

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