New york

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The two women got off the plane at 1pm right on time they went to the house they were staying it and it was huge Lucy was kind of devastated they were only staying for three weeks they put there stuff in they're rooms and Lucy went into tams room.
" hey I'm headed to the station care to come with" Lucy asked
" yeah sure" tam replied she got her bag and Lucy grabbed her work bag they called an uber and got inside and went to the station on the way Lucy called Darla
" hey Darla it's Lucy just letting you know me and my daughter are headed to the station now we will be there in about ten minutes"
" hey Lucy yeah ok I didn't know you had kids how old is she"
" she's 19"
" Lucy your only 30 that math isn't adding up " the two women both laugh
" she's adopted I'll tell you the story later it's a good one"
" ok see you soon"
The call ends and a few minutes later the women turn up at the station they get out the car and walk up to the station a woman stood at the front waiting for them she shook Lucy's hand
" hey I'm Darla I believe we spoke on the phone"
" we did it's lovely to meet you this is my daughter"
" hi I'm Tamara it's nice to meet you ma'am"
" it's lovely to meet you to how about you both come inside and I can brief Lucy on the case "
Tamara and Lucy nod and Darla leads them inside to her office they sit down and Darla briefs Lucy on the case Lucy gets started working on the case speaking to all the other detectives that can't figure out the case and before she knew it it was 8pm she went into darlas office.
" hey I'm heading home I'll see you in the morning"
" okay Lucy call me if you need anything"
" will do thank you"
"No problem"
Lucy went home and got into bed she was so tired she fell asleep and woke up at 6am the next morning she got up and got ready for work she went into the office and began her day.
* Lucy figured out the case after only a week and went to tell Darla"
" hey Darla I figured out the case and I had a confession as well but I'm not sure what you want me to do because I'm meant to be here for another two weeks"
" well done detective I am very happy that our killer is locked up and you might as well have two weeks off I mean the house your staying in is already payed for and your flight back isn't for another two weeks so you and your daughter have fun explore New York"
" thank you Darla for this experience me and you will have to go out sometime before I head home"
" we shall thank you detective have a good two weeks"
Lucy stood up and smiled she headed home and told Tamara the good news. Tamara was so happy for her Lucy decided to celebrate she is gonna go out drinking at the bar round the corner Tamara said she will come with because it is New York she was over eighteen so she could drink they went to the bar and Lucy sat down and ordered Tamara went into the bathroom because she needed the toilet a man sat down next to Lucy and ordered a drink Lucy smiled at him and he smiled back.
" hi I'm Jason "
" I'm Lucy "
" hi Lucy would you care to dance"
Lucy blushed and nodded the man took her hand and they went to the dance floor and danced a little Tamara came out the bathrooms and saw them she sat down with her drink and watched from afar smiling happy that Lucy was happy after a while Lucy and Jason sat down with tam
" hey tam this is Jason "
" hi I'm Jason it's nice to meet you "
Jason shook Tamara's hand
" hi Jason I'm Tamara it's nice to meet you to but Lucy I'm gonna head back to the hotel because I'm tired I'll see you later "  
Lucy nodded and turned to Jason
" so are you from around here " Lucy asked curious
" no I'm actually here from LA I'm here for another two weeks I had to get away from home I don't know if you know the city but I'm from a part of it called midwilshire"
" omg your not being serious I'm from LA mid Wiltshire I work there to" Lucy replied a little stunned that someone from the same part of town was here like it was sort of fate Jason read her mind he sipped his drink
" that's crazy it's almost like fate brought us together "
This made Lucy blush
" so you said you work there what's your job "
" I am a detective at mid Wiltshire police station where do you work" Lucy answered Jason's question
" I work for the FBI and we're stationed literally near midwilshire station "
" me and you would have to get together sometime " Lucy tested the waters
" yeah we would it would be fun I didn't catch your last name "
" Lucy Chen "
Jason's eyes went wide
" your the Lucy Chen you made detective and got ranked country's number one in six months I am in the mist of a celebrity "
This made Lucy laugh and go a little red which made Jason laugh to
" I'm glad I make a good impression wherever I go " Lucy smiled
" yeah your like unforgettable a beauty and brains " Jason smiled back
He placed his hand on her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her Lucy kissed him back but pulled away still close to his face making eye contact and put a mischievous grin on her face
" I never caught you last name either you kissed and didn't tell "
Jason and Lucy laughed at her little joke
" Jason Williams and you never did tell me why you was here in LA"
All of a sudden the music went really loud Lucy pulled Jason closer to her and whispered in his ear
" come to my house we can talk for a little it's to loud in here "
Jason nodded and stood up he held his hand out for Lucy she smiled and took it standing up they walked out the bar hand in hand
" you didn't answer my question in there " Jason laughed
" I probably would have if I didn't get ear damage from the noise "
The two laughed and came up to Lucy's front door Lucy took the keys out opening the front door the two went inside and sat down
" so to answer your question I am here to sort out a case I have been here a week and I already figured it out so the next two weeks I am basically on vacation how about you"
Jason smiles
" I had to get out of LA for a little while but I'm glad I did otherwise I wouldn't of met you "
Lucy blushed and the two kissed and ended up in Lucy's room they did the yk and Lucy lay on his chest cuddled into him
" this feels right " Jason says abruptly
Lucy looked up at him smiling
" um sorry I didn't mean to sound so abrupt but I've never felt like this before it feels like it's right "
Lucy laughs
" I get what you mean like I have had other boyfriends but nothing ever feels like this this feels perfect "
Jason kisses Lucy's head
" well how about we make it official Lucy Chen will you be my girlfriend " Jason and Lucy laugh
" I'd love to "
They kiss and Lucy cuddles into Jason's chest and the two fall asleep cuddling

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