Grandmother and Granddaughter

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The next day, Charlie found herself in front of a pair of tall golden doors. After receiving a note from God, Emily guided Charlie to the location. God wanted to delay Charlie's meeting by a day so that they could get to know each other. The council was not pleased with this decision, but Sera allowed it on the condition that the meeting would take place the next day in the morning. As Charlie reached out, the doors opened on their own, releasing a bright light. Despite being blinded, she walked forward and the light quickly dimmed. It was, however, a bit too late as Charlie landed face-first into what seemed to be a large pair of folded wings. Looking up, she saw the same radiant smile as when they first met. "Oh, sorry God err, grandma-, umm," Charlie struggled to say as she was still new to having a grandparent, much less God herself. "I'm sorry, I'm still new to this."

"It's quite alright, my child," God assured Charlie, patting her head. Closing the doors, God had welcomed Charlie. The room was about as bright as one would expect for a being of pure light. Whites, pinks, and yellows covered the ginormous room. The furniture was sized to fit God's tall body. Even the bed seems like it would fit a taller Angel Dust. The dresser is about as tall as Alastor, and the couch is just as wide, if not wider.

"Wow, this place is so pretty," Charlie said.

"Why, thank you, sweetie," God replied.

The bright walls were broken by paintings of God and her children. Among them is the largest in the center wall. It was a massive portrait of God and each of her 7 children standing around her. In the center, below god, was a recognizable face. "Is that, is that who I think it is," Charlie asked as she got a closer look.

"Oh, yes," God replied, observing the visage of Lucifer in the painting. He looked very different from how he does now. His normal smile differed from the usual toothy grin. Instead of a suit, he wore a robe, and his eyes were a golden yellow.

"This was a family painting I requested," God continued. "It was before everything happened, actually. I wanted to cheer Lucifer up. He was called Samael then."

"He even had a different name?"

"Yes. Lucifer was a name that was utilized by me and his siblings, while Samael was used by others. I didn't understand why. He was an eager boy, sure, but Lucifer didn't cause too much trouble."

"Who are the others?"

"Those are your aunts and uncles."

To God's upper left was Michael, the eldest. Michael seemed to be the most unique as his third pair of wings covered his eyes. God had explained that this was because he had a single eye beneath it. Charlie was reminded of Niffty and Cherri Bomb. To God's left were the 'twins', Raphael and Gabriel. The mother described them being found together a lot. They didn't always get along, and Gabriel often caused trouble for the others. As God described the rest of Lucifer's siblings, Charlie wondered how Lucifer was before the legendary Garden of Eden event. There was the baby duck thing, but she didn't know much else. God flew to a tall bookshelf to get a scrapbook containing drawings, paintings, and memories made manifest to show to Charlie. Going to the bed, God had invited Charlie over. Skimming to Lucifer's pictures, God had told various tales of Lucifer in his older years. As the former virtue of humility, he was easily embarrassed. During Lucifer's first official creation, God had snuggled up to him in front of the elders. Charlie giggled at that.

"Charlie, I'm sure you have your own memories," God asked.

"Oh, yeah I do," Charlie said, pulling her phone out. "Lemmie show you."

"Before you do, how old are you by chance?"

Charlie was confused by that question and reluctantly replied, "Uuuhhh, like in my 200's...."

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