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I almost said I love you
But I did stop myself
I almost said that I need you
It is true but my pride don't let the words out

Almost but quite yet ready
Will you understand that my once burned heart still needs more time?

t was broken so badly
Please forgive to it, to taking it's time

It will still sing another love song
I can promise that to you
Just give little more time
Last time flames of false love burned it too much

That love went all wrong
Let my heart understand this is not the same
Not everyone trying to break it
You just want to love me

Almost but not right now
Let time to heal
Past to move far away
Before our future can start

Sometimes we need little bit more time
Not ready yet but almost
I want my heart to be able sing another love song
Only for you

I almost said I love you
Every day I'm closer to those words
Just close your eyes
That dream will come true one of these days

C.F. Grönroos ©
Original poem and All rights reserved to C.F. Grönroos

Previously published in:
Mysteries by Rose Blog March 24. 2024

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