Chapter 5 - Crashing

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Rory hated conflict more than anything else. It was something she tried to avoid at all costs. And so when her uncle allotted a generous 15 minutes of his time for a meeting she'd requested, she felt like she was drowning in anxiety. She came into the shop that day jumpy and sweaty.

Any time she'd asked her uncle for anything, whether it be a raise or a slight change in hours for a day, he'd always guilted her and made her feel worse for asking. Almost every time it resulted in Rory crying for a while after he left, feeling stupid for even trying. She'd learned to just deal with things as they were, making doctors appointments on weekends or outside work hours, and making ends meet with her low salary. The annoyances were less painful than the suffering an argument would bring. But this time, she knew it was unavoidable.

Uncle Phil came in a few hours later, sighing and acting as if he had made a great sacrifice to be there.

"Yes, Rory, what is it?" he said, exasperated. "As you know I manage many stores, so I can't be at your beck and call for meetings whenever you want them."

"Uncle Phil. Yes, I know. Thanks for coming. I- uh, I need to make a request."

"A request?" he laughed sharply, "Beyond everything that I already provide for you? Oh boy, what is it this time?"

Rory faked a smile and laughed along because she felt like she had to, despite the comment hurting her feelings.

"Yes, I'm sorry to ask but, uh, I'm afraid I need to take a short trip."

Phil's joking expression turned serious.

"A trip? Where? How long?"

"Oh, only a week! It shouldn't affect business much."

"Shouldn't affect-" he scoffed. "As if you know anything about business and what affects it. Let me explain something to you. Time is money. Every day a store stays closed is a day when I don't make profit, but I still have to pay costs. You think I can ask the property owners to take a vacation from the rent?"

"No-no, I know you can't, I-" Rory started to lose her words even though she'd spent almost all night going over counter-arguments in her head.

Phil put a hand to his brow and furrowed it.

"When exactly is this trip, and for what purpose?"

Rory cringed, knowing she'd put this conversation off way too long, and now it only made things worse.

"Visiting an old friend," she lied. 

Phil's eyes narrowed and he pushed harder.

"When?" He said, his tone harsh.

"It's, uh... next week."

Phil processed this for a moment, his eyes sharp. 

"Ok, so. This is new. First, I wasn't aware you had friends. As usual your planning skills are impeccable, Rory. Giving notice to your boss a week before you leave for a vacation. If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to get yourself fired."

"No-no, I'm definitely not! I'm sorry, it's just that it's very urgent. I- I can try to find a replacement to cover for me for a week."

Phil stood still for a moment. Then he narrowed his eyes.

"You know what? No need."

Rory titled her head, puzzled.

"No need... for what?"

"No need to find a replacement," he countered. "This store has been bleeding me money for years, more than likely because of your lack of sales experience and unprofessional behavior."

He walked over to the front door, reversing the OPEN sign to CLOSED.

"For years... I've employed you out of the kindness of my heart, but I'm done being charitable. In the end, I ought to thank you for giving me a reason to cut my losses."

"W-what?" Rory asked, her blood running cold.

"I've got other things to do today. Feel free to go home early, and take your vacation for as long as you want. This store is closed from today on."

Rory found herself frozen at the counter when the door slammed shut, the bell ringing loudly.

"No..." she whispered to herself.

It all happened so fast. No. This was far worse than the catastrophic scenario her anxious mind had drawn up from this argument. How - how could this have happened?

All the excitement about her trip faded from her heart immediately, and she buried her head in her hands, letting out a sob. 

She'd really done it now. Her reckless behavior had actually messed up her life. The paychecks would stop coming. She wasn't going to make rent. She had nowhere to go, no friends or family to turn to. Everything was crashing down around her. Everything.

She'd let her delusions about a stupid book ruin her life.

Or so she thought.



A/N: What do you predict Rory will do now? 

Join the anti-Uncle Phil club here >:/

Join the anti-Uncle Phil club here >:/

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