59 - an evacuation

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THE evacuation protocol happened swiftly after that.

     They only had time to pack their bags before the helicopters had landed. Muse couldn't count―the wind stinging her eyes blurred everything―but there had to be more than fifty. Enough to transport all the guests of the resort to safety.

    Adrien and Muse were instructed, along with the others, to grab only whatever they strictly needed. Passports, health cards, driver's licenses. Pieces of identity. Valuables of only eight hundred thousand dollars and more. 

    Muse had nearly gaped at that. Eight thousand dollar valuables? Who carried items with that much worth around with them? But some of the other guests had nodded solemnly. Naturally, billionaires would have things casually laying around with a worth of close to a million dollars. 

     Once her and Adrien had hurried back to their suite―on a twenty-minute countdown―Adrien had wasted no time securing everything. Muse barely even had to help.

     "Your lip combo?" Adrien said dryly, as Muse snatched lipstick, lip liner, and lip gloss from the bathroom sink.

     "Some things a girl can't live without," Muse said, shrugging despite the overwhelming tide of panic in her chest. 

     Adrien raised an eyebrow.

     "Hey, I am constantly living in fear that they will discontinue the shade Dusty Rose, alright? I need to have one on me at all times."

    "I'll buy the entire makeup line and make sure they never discontinue it," Adrien said.

     "You sound serious."

     Adrien had glanced over from zipping up a black backpack full of their necessities. "If something is within my power to make you happy, I would do it within a heartbeat." She smirked, but the cold, ruthless look didn't leave her eyes. "And everything is within my power."

    Muse almost shivered at her words. She'd heard from Adrien's past lovers that she was a workaholic, a heartless bitch who would step on anyone and anything to climb to the top. To see a glimpse of that same determination―that same viciousness that had made her a CEO―devoted to Muse, for Muse . . . 

     If there wasn't a tsunami and a twenty-minute countdown to make it back to the helicopters, she'd have foregone the no sex rule right then and there and shoved Adrien onto the bed. 

     "We've got everything," Adrien said, her face once more resolute. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

     Muse hesitated behind her, on their way out of the room. She wondered if they'd ever see this bed again, these windows, the marble floor. 

     Did this mean their honeymoon was officially over?

     As Adrien shut the door, she thought, We were supposed to have the whole week. 

     She'd been dreading the time they'd have to spend on vacation together, and now she didn't want it to be over. Never mind the threat of incoming death, never mind the supposed worst natural disaster to have hit this island since Callista. She wanted more days with Adrien. She wanted―

     Another guest hurtled into Muse on the staircase. Mass panic seems to have infected the resort. She nearly went flying over the railing.

     Adrien grabbed the man by the collar of shirt and snarled, "Watch it."

     He only stumbled down the stairs, a wild look in his eyes, and kept running. 

     Most people seemed to have taken the rules seriously. They carried only a backpack, a satchel, a tote bag. But one woman flung open the door to her room, heaving an enormous suitcase. 

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