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I laid on my bed in my parents' home, eyes as bright as ever as I stared at my phone. Lando's face lit up my screen as we facetimed.

At this point, dinnertime was nearing and I'd been on the phone with Lando for at least two hours now. We'd hit a lull in both of our Christmas celebrations. Monaco was an hour ahead in time than England, but luckily our schedules had aligned and we'd both been able to retreat for the call.

"Will you be home for New Years?" Home. I meant the apartment we shared in Monaco, and he knew that.

He softly smiled at me, "I'll move mountains to be there, Addie." I knew he meant it.

Lando hated being away as much as I did.

"I miss you, Christmas feels weird without you... Monaco feels weird."

I hated that I could see tears in his eyes. "It feels weird not being there with you too. I hate that I don't see you anymore." His tears brought tears to my own.

I feel like we were being dramatic, it hadn't been that long since we saw each other, but still. It hurt not being with someone you loved during this time of year.

"If you only knew the amount of times I've almost bought a plane ticket to see you." We both laughed at my statement.

The laughter lasted nearly a minute before it died out, Lando's eyes finding mine again.

"What if I bought you a ticket to come here for New Years?"

A sour taste filled my mouth and my smile dropped, "You know that we've got plans with the other drivers, Lan."

He probably forgot. "How's Charles anyway?" Lando was referring to our friend's recent breakup.

"He's good, he's been coming 'round a lot. I think being around the others and not stuck in his apartment has been good for him."

Charles has either been with me or any of the other drivers in Monaco every day since the breakup. I couldn't blame him, after my breakup in 2019 I dreaded being alone.

"Good, good. Is his family coming 'round for Christmas?" I love that Lando knew my traditions for Christmas.

Every year my family and the Leclercs joined together for Christmas dinner and more presents. It had been a routine since us 'kids' were actual kids. The Leclerc boys were some of my favorites on the planet, always bringing such joy to my life whenever it was needed. However, I don't enjoy when they team up with my brother, Bastien, to mess with me. That was when it wasn't fun to be the only girl.

"Should be here any minute."

Almost as soon as I spoke, the front door could be heard opening, and voices filled our house.

"I think they're here, actually." I laughed.

Lando's eyes widened, "Do you need to hang up?"

I shook my head, "I've got at least 5 more minutes for my best boy."  Lando's cheeks burned red, I'd made him blush which only made me smile brightly.

"Es-tu dans ta chambre, Della?" (Are you in your room, Della?) Charles asked before walking into my room, plopping down on the bed beside me.

I bounced from the impact, laughing as he settled in beside me.

"Dis bonjour, Char!" (Say hello, Char!)

Charles' face lit up when I showed him the phone, Lando's face still taking up the screen. "Lando!" He nearly yelled.

"Hi, Charles. I'm just glad I understand base-level French because of you two otherwise I would've been lost." Lando was laughing and I couldn't help my smiling brightly when I felt my heart swell at the sight of my two favorite people talking to each other.

The three of us talked for a few more minutes, Charles and Lando seldom stopping their conversation. I thought I was the girlfriend in this case.

Charles and I had been called for dinner, reluctantly ending the call with Lando before joining our families at the dinner table.

"Joyeux Noël, mon amour ! Tu es magnifique comme d'habitude." (Merry Christmas, my love! You look beautiful as usual.) Pascale, Charles' mom smiled brightly upon seeing me.

I blushed at her compliment, "Merci beaucoup." (Thank you very much.)

Charles' older brother, Lorenzo, hadn't been able to make it home for Christmas this year. It wasn't typical for him to be home for holidays, but I also wished he would, to get things back to how they used to be. But everyone else was here - my parents, Bastien, Pascale, Arthur, and Charles.

Dinner went by quickly and so did our present exchange. We all exchanged presents and drank the champagne Bastien had brought home from one of his travels. Christmas was always one of my favorite times of year.

"Pour toi." (For you.) Charles smiled toward the end of present time.

He'd handed me a black box that looked to be jewelry. I fought the smile that tugged at my lips, everyone who knew me knew how much I loved jewelry.

I took off the lid of the box, revealing a beaded bracelet that was probably way more expensive than anything I'd buy for myself, but it was stunning. 'Della' was written in beads on the bracelet. It was a stunning piece of jewelry.

I let the smile break through as I leaned over to hug him, sliding the bracelet onto my wrist as I did. Thoughtful presents were my favorite.

About an hour or so later the Leclercs were leaving, heading home to their respective residence in Monaco. I followed the family to the door, my family having said goodbye in the living room. I pressed a kiss to both Pascale and Arthur's cheeks as they left, telling them I'd catch up with them and visit their places soon. Pascale was overjoyed at my promise, but Arthur shrugged it off - playing the annoyed little brother card.

"Avez-vous besoin de vous ramener à la maison? Votre voiture n'est pas là." (Do you need a ride home? Your car is not there.) Charles asked from the door, turning back to face me once more before he decided to leave.

I shook my head, softly smiling at him. "Mon père me conduira demain matin, je resterai ici ce soir. Mais merci." (My father will drive me tomorrow morning, I will stay here tonight. But thanks.)

He nodded, pressing a chaste kiss to the side of my head before disappearing out the door. I wonder if Lando was still up?

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