Apollo's Shadow of Destiny

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Stepping out of the car, I bid Apollo a tender goodnight, grateful for his silent companionship throughout the tumultuous day. As I lingered on the threshold of my home, Atlas's words echoed in my mind, his bitter tone a stark reminder of the complexities that awaited me in the days to come. With a heavy sigh, I steeled myself for the confrontation that awaited me within.

Crossing the threshold, I was greeted by the familiar cadence of my mother's voice, her disapproval cutting through the air like a knife. Before she even came into view, her disappointment hung heavy in the atmosphere, suffocating any semblance of tranquility that remained. "Where have you been all day?" she exclaimed, her words a relentless barrage that pierced through the facade of calm I had meticulously crafted. Nonetheless, she pressed on, "When are you going to learn that you have to keep up with your responsibilities?"

Ignoring her, I made my way to my room and threw myself onto my bed, exhausted. I lay still, my mind replaying the events of the day like a broken record. The weight of my mother's disapproval bore down on me, exacerbating the exhaustion that had settled deep within my bones. How would I explain today's events to her? Tears threatened to spill over, but unlike the usual crybaby that I am, I decided to cling to a sliver of resolve, determined not to succumb to despair. And the night passed fitfully, with sleep eluding me as unease lingered in the depths of my consciousness.

As dawn broke, I stirred from my restless slumber, the weight of the impending day pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. With a weary sigh, I dragged myself out of bed, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I found myself scrutinising each garment with a critical eye. None seemed to meet the unspoken standards of professionalism that pervaded the corporate world, especially at Capital Partners, my new workplace. In the end, I settled for a black shirt and trousers, accompanied by a tailored blazer that lent a semblance of authority to my ensemble. As I stood before the mirror, adjusting the lapels of my jacket, a pang of insecurity pierced through me, unsure if I could dress the part. With a resigned sigh, I gathered my belongings and prepared to face the day ahead. As I made my way towards the office, the weight of apprehension hung heavy upon my shoulders, a silent companion on my journey.

Upon arriving at the office, I was greeted by a cacophony of bustling activity, the air thrumming with the energy of corporate ambition. As I navigated the labyrinthine corridors, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a lone figure adrift in a sea of sartorial splendour. The executive assistant's call came like a harbinger of impending doom, her tone laced with thinly veiled disdain as she delivered the news of my employment. The implication hung heavy in the air, a silent accusation of nepotism and favouritism that cast a shadow over my non-existing accomplishments. She let me know that Atlas wanted to see me before I started my training for assistance role.

Summoning every ounce of courage I possessed, I embarked on a quest to find Atlas, the enigmatic figure whose decisions would mould my future. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the corporate skyscraper, I finally arrived at the elevator leading to his floor. However, my confidence wavered as I realised I lacked the access code necessary to ascend.

With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I approached the receptionist stationed nearby, my urgency palpable as I explained the crucial nature of my meeting with Atlas. But instead of assistance, I was met with contemptuous skepticism. The receptionist's dismissive gaze pierced through me, her words cutting like shards of ice as she denied my request. I pleaded with her, emphasising the importance of my meeting and urging her to call Atlas to confirm. But her response was a stinging rebuke, questioning my place in the CEO's presence and dismissing my credibility outright.

Defeated and seething with frustration, I sank onto the nearest couch, grappling with the absurdity of the situation. Was this truly the reality of the corporate world? Should I abandon my efforts and retreat, or persist in the face of such blatant disbelief? The decision weighed heavily on my mind as I contemplated my next move. I decide to wait.

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