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outside space colony ARK cannon countdown: 21 minutes 7 seconds.

knuckles is outside the space colony ARK a he was about to go back and return to earth but
stop as he senses some strange energy he hasn't felt before.

KNUCKLES: i feel some strange energy...

infront of knuckles a massive flash of blight energy blinds him as he covers his eyes sight with his gloved knuckle hands as the
massive flash of energy reveals sonic the hedgehog himself who drops down on the floor on his front. knuckles uncovers his eyes
and sees sonic infront of him surprised to see his friend like that.

the heroes and ex villains gasp in shock and joy seeing that sonic had survived and somehow used chaos control with a fake emerald the heroes,
ex villains and animals all cheer in joy and relieve sonic is alive while the villains let out groans of anger and mumbles that sonic had survived.

TY LEE: HE'S ALIVE, MAI! *grabs mai and shakes her as tears of relieve come out of her eyes*

MAI: *pats ty lee on the back* there, there...ty. i am...glad he survived.

SOKKA: same here! i knew that he escaped!

BEAST: amazing! he was able to use a fake chaos emerald's energy to use chaos control to escape the capsule.
it's just so..INCREDIBLE!

FORD PINES: agreed! sonic is more then faster then the speed of light! he's...*chuckles baffled a little* he's
something else entirely!

WOLVERINE: *smirks and crosses arms* well what do you know, the blue bub, escaped. kid must've copied
that black hedgehog move. *chuckles* not bad at all.

HIRO HAMADA: it's like he keeps adapting and getting stronger. but...but how?

ZEON: because young hiro hamada, each foe he fights and defeats and he gets stronger overtime and with the each time he
uses the emeralds his potential increases. to put it simple, sonic can adapt from his enemies and gets stronger each time against
a foe more powerful. heck! he could no-low diff all of you guys when he keeps getting stronger and adapts more!

the audiance were all blown away with the heroes/ex villains amazed that sonic can adapt and grow stronger as he gets in his adventures
and fighting bad guys more stronger then him. meanwhile the villains gulped a little afraid seeing that sonic could defeat them all since he gets
stronger but decided not to worry about it since he isn't in their universe for that matter. still many in the audiance were all amazed and impressed
that someone like sonic the hedgehog could get more stronger over time, but they were all glad sonic is alive as they continue to watch what happens
next in this adventure.

KNUCKLES: *walks over to sonic* hey, sonic!

SONIC: *gets up and holds head a little dizzy* whoa, i wasn't sure if i could pull that one off. somehow i managed
to use the chaos control. if not, i would have been a goner for sure.

KNUCKLES: chaos control? *sonic almost drops but knuckles catches sonic from falling helping him stand* are you
OK? you look a little drained.

TOONVERSE REACT TO SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin