Part Six: "Reuniting With Aunt Margie"

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It was the weekend. Bonnie was on her computer, typing away on her new book. It was about her abilities and what she had learned so far about them. She was going to post it on a website that allowed you to make books or comic strips. She hoped that there were people like her in the world, so making this book could spread some light to people with the same abilities as her. The sound of her keyboard sounded like tap dancers professionally dancing on the keys. The all of a sudden, her mother called out for her. "Bonnie!" Queen Wendy called. "Yes, Mama?" Bonnie responded. "Your Aunt Margie is here! Come downstairs!" Wendy yelled. Bonnie let out a silent sigh, depressed that her Aunt Margie was here. She hated her guts. But then, she realized that she had not seen Aunt Margie since she was around the age of 11! She pondered for a second why Aunt Margie could possibly be here for a such reason, for she had not seen her in 6 years. "Bonnie! Hurry up!" "Okay, Ma." She walked steadily downstairs to meet Margie's grumpy, old wrinkly face. "Hi.." Bonnie said quietly, waving her hand at her. "Hello, young one. How are you on this fine evening?" "I'm.. doing alright.. I guess." "Oh, Bonnie! Don't be so shy! She's your grandmother!" Queen Wendy said. Bonnie didn't respond back. She walked into the large living room, with paintings dating back to 1908. Bonnie stared at the small crucifix that was hanging above one of the paintings, right below where Margaret was sitting, trying not to make eye contact with anybody. "You're not wearing very modest clothing, are you?" Margaret said, Wendy nudging her as a way of telling her to be quiet. Bonnie was wearing overalls with a knee-high denim skirt attached to it. Under the overalls was a sweater with a black and white polka dot pattern on it. Queen Wendy whispered to Margie in her ear, "Her clothes are very modest, ma!" "Not to me." Margie said. Wendy scoffed. Bonnie sat on the love chair next to Wendy and Margie. After sitting down in 2 minutes of awkward silence, Margie's phone rang, and made Wendy jump. "Please excuse me, I need to make a quick phone call. Bonnie stayed on the couch, her hand finally resting from all that typing. But then, something out of the blue happened. Something quite odd. She saw something, she said that it felt like an alternative universe where Margie killed Johnny, instead of him dying from alcohol beverage overdose. But something about this vision in the (possible) past—something about it felt real. She could not explain what it was, nor what she was feeling at that time. She felt the need to confront Margie about this, but did not, out of impulse. Instead—just to be clear—decided to eavesdrop on Margie's phone call to see if any mention of a body or the killing of Uncle Johnny. "I'm gonna go make myself some tea really quick, I'll be right back." Bonnie said, using it as an excuse. She hid in the pantry, which had a window that was very close to the front yard. "..No—what I am saying, Margaret is that they found the body!" An anonymous person on the phone said. "No, I hid Johnny well! I hit him at least, I don't know, 16 times! How could they have found him? I had buried him at least 400 feet away from the backyard of my old house! This, this is impossible! Who are they suspecting the killer is?" Margie said. "I'm.. I'm unfortunately not too sure, Margaret." The anonymous person said. Bonnie had heard enough. She dashed upstairs to her room, processing the fact that her aunt had possibly murdered somebody. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I will not cry, I'm okay.. I will not cry, I'm okay.. Bonnie thought. She was at the front of her bedroom door, bent over and on her knees, and her hand was over her mouth. Then, she hears the door open. "I apologize for the interruption." Margaret said, walking in. Bonnie went back downstairs from her room, and then to the kitchen, and then returning back into the living room, out of breath. "Well, what's the matter with you, Bonnie?" Wendy asked. "Oh, nothing," She gasped for air. "I just ran up and down here really quickly." She went back over to the couch, with her head drooping down, and her hands holding each other. "..Aunt Margie.. are you the one responsible for Johnny's death?" Bonnie asked, pondering if the words she had just heard minutes ago was real or not. "Hah, of course not, Bonnie! You know he died because of alcoholism." Wendy said. "Oh..alright. I just wanted to be reassured, thanks.". After a couple more minutes of silence, Aunt Margie said, "Wendy, will you excuse me and Bonnie from the couch, please?" "Alright, but please make it quick." Margie jumped up from her seat, and Bonnie followed her into the kitchen. "So, uh, what is it you need, Margie?" Margie pulled out something from her purse, but it was hard to make out. Bonnie squinted, and when she got a closer look, she realized that it was a knife. "Ma-Margie, what are you going to do with that knife?" Seemingly, out of nowhere, Margie sprinted towards Bonnie, and the pinning her to the wall. The knife was hovering over her neck, which made Bonnie raise her head up. "If you tell another person—no, another soul about me killing Johnny, I will spare your pitiful soul to God. You hear me?!" Margie shouted. "Y-yes ma'am." Wendy had heard the noise from the other room, so she walked into the kitchen to see what was happening. "Now what is all of this ruckus abou—" Wendy paused. Margie stared at Wendy for a little bit, unknowingly letting Bonnie go. "Wendell, it's not what it looks like." Bonnie dashed into the living room, then running up the stairs, but then tripped after accidentally skipping a step. Wendy got lost around the house by trying to follow her mother around, so she decided to tell the guards outside her house that her mother tried to kill her daughter. Margie chased Bonnie around the house, then finally trapping her. "There's no where else to go, Bonnie. Just give up. Let me spare your life to God. I should have done this the first time you came out of the womb." Margaret said. "No. I'm not gonna die." Bonnie raised up confidently. She threw her wore-out fist onto Margie, making her trip down the steps, and giving her a bloody nose. "You! You devilish fiend!" Bonnie ignored the call, and then flew back up the stairs, running step by step, second by second, before unfortunately falling again, spraining her leg. Her falling let Margie crawl up to her. Margie pierced the back of her leg with her knife, making Bonnie cringe. "Au revoir, poor Bonnie." Margaret said, raising her knife, planning to end her, Bonnie turned around, still on her back, and then concentrated on Margie's neck. Bonnie raised her arm up, opened her fist, and then choked Margie, without even touching her. Bonnie raised her arm up into the air, making Margie levitate. "I hate you! You always made me feel like I was worth *gasp* nothing!" Bonnie screamed. "I..*hack* hate..*gasp* you, too, *cough, cough* you..hell spawn." Margie said weakly, then passed out, while still coughing and hacking. Bonnie stopped choking her, realizing that fission and explosion had already been reached. She weakly crawled up the stairs, with one leg pierced open and the other sprained. "Ma! Ma!" Bonnie shouted through the echoes of the long, dark hallway. By the time the guards came, Bonnie had nearly fainted. "Oh god, Bonnie! Are you okay!?" Wendy said. "No.. it hurts.." Bonnie replied back. The guards wrapped Bonnie's bloody leg with a piece of gauze and sterile dressing. She was then later escorted to the ER where the doctors would give her stitches. Margie was sent to jail, her sentence being life in prison without any possibility of parole.

the longest chapter so far lol😭

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