Chapter 1: The Departure

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Y/N glanced at the train ticket clutched tightly in her hand, the destination printed boldly: Mumbai. Leaving her home in Assam behind was a decision she didn't take lightly, but her dreams called her to the bustling city.

Her parents' disapproval echoed in her mind as she boarded the train. They wanted her to pursue a career in medicine, but her heart beat for music and dance. Ever since she discovered BTS, especially V, her passion for performing had ignited.

Despite their objections, Y/N worked tirelessly at part-time jobs, saving every penny for this moment. Her parents' harsh words and abuse couldn't deter her spirit. Mumbai represented freedom, a chance to pursue her dreams on her own terms.

As the train chugged along, Y/N's excitement mingled with nervousness. The uncertainty of the future loomed ahead, but she refused to let fear hold her back. With determination blazing in her eyes, she leaned back in her seat, ready to embrace the journey ahead.

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