The pure one

27 5 4

Its a beautiful thing,
When two strangers,
In an unknown city meet
Something forms between them
A beautiful bond indeed

Friendships since childhood
Are always the ones adored
But for me,
Its 'you' that i appreciate
My calm in times of strom

I miss Our regualr raids
to that store down the alley
The random 7 p.m. walks, real stress busters i must say.
I Also miss our seasonal mental breakdowns,
Then laughing cuz of our drama
The plotting of 765 scenarios
And me narrating the whole drama

The seed of our friendship,
It sure is peculiar one,
It bloomed in times of unfavourable conditions
And i think,
That makes it the strongest one

There are no genetic connections
There are no cringe terms we share
Just the company we give each other
Our language of expressions via action,
I truth appreciate.

But today,
I think its high time i say
I cherish you, you idiot
Your worth to me,
Goes beyond my ability to calculate

So just in case you've forgetten,
I write this to remind you of me,
You, my kind little girl,
The only lesbian allegations I'll ever accept with,
Have a friend awaiting your return


Winter_night26 kamini kahiki! Its cuz of you I'm thinking kash doremon ka anywhere door hota mere paas

Anyway, here's a very raw poem for you.

Ignore the quality

Hope this beats some sense in you so u come back soon and we face this hostel shit together again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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