demon baby

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One thing Atlas hated more than anything would be tests, specifically, math tests

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One thing Atlas hated more than anything would be tests, specifically, math tests. No matter how hard he'd study or put the effort in for school; everything he would remember would leave his brain as soon as he opened the paper. He had no idea if he had some learning problems or if he just has a really bad memory. Either way, he always did horribly on tests; so bad that if he fails another test then he's not allowed to play lacrosse until he gets his grades up. Even though he only started playing lacrosse to get Carrie's attention, he's actually grown to love playing, so he doesn't want some stupid test that he can't pass to get in the way of that.

"Atlas, hey!" Atlas hears the voice of Carrie shout from behind him, making him turn around to look at her. Even though Carrie ended up ditching him and Julie, he still talks to her. The two aren't friends, though, they're more like acquaintances.

"Carrie, what's up?" Atlas asks with a small smile on his face.

"Here" Carrie sweetly says, handing Atlas a flyer "Dirty Candy are preforming at the Spirit Rally tomorrow. You're going to be there, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't miss it" Atlas says with a sigh.

"Are you okay? Is it something about your grades?" Carrie asks, actually being genuine. As much as she hates to admit it, she still cares about Atlas. Even though she ended up leaving him and Julie, he didn't hate her, unlike Julie. It showed Carrie that Atlas actually cares about her and wasn't just around because of who her dad is.

"Yeah. If I fail the test I've just done, I won't be able to play till I get my grades up" Atlas tells Carrie.

"Then let's hope that you pass. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but you are the best player on the team" Carrie says to Atlas, making him smile as he sees Flynn walking over to Julie's locker "The team really needs you."

"Thanks Carrie. Um, I got to go but I'll see you around, yeah?" Atlas says to Carrie before he starts to walk away from the girl  "There's my two favourite people!" Atlas happily says as he walks over to Julie and Flynn "Disappointment and underachiever."

"Hi idiot" Julie and Flynn both say at the same time, making Atlas smile.

"How did your math test go?" Julie asks Atlas. Since Atlas isn't the best at math, Julie has been helping him study, hoping that he'd do well in the test that he had today.

"I think I flunked it" Atlas honestly says "It was so hard, like, everything that I had studied just went out of my brain as soon as I opened the paper. But, since my dead brother's birthday is coming up soon, my parents will be more focused on that then my test."

"They still not doing well?" Flynn asks. They weren't oblivious to the fact that Atlas' parents were a wreck. After his older brother died ten years before he was even born, his parents have not been in the best place mentally. Atlas has tried to help them all he could, but nothing ever works.

"Especially now. Did you know he would be forty-three this year? Like I'm sixteen and he would have been twenty seven years older than me. It's crazy" Atlas says to the two, trying to make the conversation not so depressing "But anyways, Jules, have you figured out what you're doing today?"

"I'll know in the moment" Julie says with a sigh.

"Really, Jules?" Flynn asks "That's all you're giving us? Mrs Harrison said this is your last chance."

"I know" Julie says, fed up with the three of them having his conversation for probably the hundredth time "I was there."

"How about I come with you guys? I can dance behind you while you sing" Atlas mentions "My moves are amazing!"

"You don't have moves" Julie says to Atlas with a laugh "And you can't skip your study session, remember? Your coach said you can't play unless you get your grades up."

"I know, but still, I can come as support" Atlas mentions "Coach will understand."

Julie and Atlas have been best friends since they were born. The two of them and Carrie used to be inseparable, but as they grew up and Carrie got more popular, she ended up ditching them. While the two were upset by Carrie leaving them, Atlas was the one who was the most heartbroken about it. It didn't really help that Atlas did and still does have a crush on Carrie.

"See you at the pep rally!" The three hear the voice of Carrie say.

"Ugh! What is she handing out?" Flynn asks in utter disgust.

"Desperation?" Julie suggests.

"A flyer for the spirit rally" Atlas says, making Flynn and Julie give him an awkward look "What? She gave me one earlier" He says, holding up the flyer.

"You're so whipped it's insane" Flynn rolls her eyes as Carrie walks over to the three.

"Here you go" Carrie says with a fake smile, handing Flynn and Julie a flyer "My group's preforming at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you two have nothing better to do."

"Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Flynn sarcastically says with fake excitement laced in her voice.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!" Carrie says in the same tone of voice as Flynn did "Atlas, you seriously need to find new people to hang around with" Carrie says before walking away.

"I still don't get how you like her" Flynn tells Atlas as she crumples up the flyer.

"No, what I don't get is this" Atlas says, pointing to Julie, who is staring at Nick with a smile on her face.

"Nick?" Flynn asks Julie "Still? You know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies."

"Nick is a sweetheart" Julie defends her long time crush.

"Yeah, you'd actually have to talk to him to know that" Atlas points out "And besides, you can do better than Nick, trust me on that."

"And only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby" Flynn adds on before shouting over to Carrie "Demon!"

"Flynn" Atlas says with a laugh as the three of them look away from Carrie before Atlas looks over at Julie "Aw, look, she's smiling."

"Yeah, there's that smile" Flynn says "Now, let's go and prove everybody wrong."

"And I'll come with!" Atlas says with a smile.

"No, you're going to study" Julie says to Atlas, knowing that it is important that he gets his grades up.

"But I don't want to go" Atlas whines, making Julie roll her eyes.

"You're going" Julie says before pulling Flynn and walking away from him.

"I'm still coming to yours after school, though?" Atlas shouts over to Julie, making her turn around and nod her head before walking off to her music class.

1149 Words

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