008 : confessions

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❜ but I miss screaming and fighting, and kissing in the rain ❜the way I loved you - taylor swift

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but I miss screaming and fighting, and kissing in the rain ❜
the way I loved you - taylor swift

tuesday, april 3rd
8 : 50 pm


aya emeline rodgers
what was that post?

what do you mean 🤨

stop acting dumb.
'i still love you'

no comment.


BRADY WAS OUTSIDE HER HOUSE throwing pebbles at her bedroom window. Aya tried her best to ignore them. Luckily it was raining that night. That wasn't until she heard rustling. Her eyes went to the window.

"What the fuck?" She asked once she opened the window to see Brady. Brady put his hands up in surrender.

"you left me on read!" he said trying to be more quiet. Aya looked behind her to check no one was there.

"we can't do this here." Brady nodded. Aya slid onto the slippery roof. The rain got into her room, but she hardly cared. Brady grabbed her hand to keep her from slipping.

Aya tried to look through the rain to see something to get down. Brady pointed towards a tree on the left side of the roof. Her hair was already drenched. Aya sighed before grabbing onto a thick branch and climbing down. Brady was following behind her, to make sure she won't fall.

Once they were both below her roof, they could see. "Go to my car, and hop in!" He shouted over the rain. Aya nodded before stopping.

"Kidnapping much." She shouted playfully. Brady rolled his eyes playfully at her shout. Soon enough, the two were running in the rain. Aya quickly got in the passenger seat.

The car started almost immediately. "Why did you have to do this tonight?" Aya asked a bit annoyed. She picked at some of her wet hair.

"I didn't know it was raining!" He says a bit dramatically. Aya grinned and looks towards him. He sighed and told the truth. "Fine, I did. It was for the right purpose tho!"

Aya then looked out the window. There was nothing much to see except for rain. The car suddenly came to a halte.

She quickly looked at Brady, then behind him. A forest. Aya read enough mystery books for this. "You better not murder me." Aya said having a look of concern.

"I totally will." He replied sarcastically. Brady got out of the car. Her eyebrows furrowed and soon followed him.

"what was that caption, though?" Brady shouted over the rain towards Aya. Aya looked away for a moment but back at him.

"It was nothing." Aya shouted back. Her eyes drifted to the ground. Brady shifted his feet.

"You do know you look away when you lie, right?" He asked. Aya looked up, and shook her head.

"I never do that actually." She shouted back with her eyebrows furrowed. Brady tilted his head.

"You just did." Brady exclaimed, noticing her looking away. Aya rolled her eyes and continued looking away.

"who do you still love?" Brady asked over the rain. His hands were in his pocket staring at Ayas head looking down.

"You. But you were too distracted by Xochitl to notice anything!" Aya shouted looking him straight in the eyes. His eyes quickly turned to confusion.

"I thought you knew."


"I thought you knew! I never liked Xochitl, I just wanted to be with you. After leaving on bad terms." Ayas face quickly turned into confusion. He liked her?

Aya was left speechless. She opened her mouth but it quickly closed once Brady kissed her. She kissed him back quickly then backed away. "You liked me this whole time?" Aya asked him, the rain washing away the feeling of his lips on hers.

"Aya, I've loved you since we were ten years old!" He exclaimed. Aya looked down at the ground at her shoes, not knowing what to say to that.

"Ever since I've helped you with that cut on your knee?" Aya asked looking up, before chuckling at the memory.

"Totally." Is all he replied with. The water damping his hair even more, making it sit on the top of his forehead.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Brady asked a bit nervously. Aya looked at him cautiously.

"Real or fake?" She asked tilting her head with the rain drops going to the left side of her face.



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