Little Big Blurb 3

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— Mother's Day Special —

As you stir awake to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, the sweet scent of pancakes wafts into your room, gently coaxing you from sleep

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As you stir awake to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, the sweet scent of pancakes wafts into your room, gently coaxing you from sleep. Blinking away the remnants of dreams, you stretch languidly, relishing the warmth of the cozy cocoon of blankets surrounding you.

You pat the other side of the bed, in hopes of feeling Max's sleeping body, but your hand is met with the softness of the blanket instead. You frown, squinting your eyes, realizing that you're alone in the room.

The realization dawns upon you—it's Mother's Day. Your heart swells with anticipation, and a soft smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you imagine the surprises awaiting you. The only reason you remember the date is because Max and Isabella have tried to be very secretive, conversing quietly at random times throughout the days prior. Unfortunately, Isabella wasn't a good whisperer just yet, and you caught the two words, "Mama's Day," coming out of her mouth.

With a contented sigh, you swing your legs over the edge of the bed and slip into your slippers, eager to start the day.

Padding down the hallway, the sound of soft giggles and hushed whispers reaches your ears, filling you with warmth. Entering the kitchen, you're met with a scene straight out of a storybook.

You spot Isabella sitting at the kitchen table with her back faced towards you, as her small fingers hold a crayon while she diligently works on something.

Standing on the opposite side of her, Max beams at you when he sees you, his eyes alight with affection and pride.

In his hands, he holds a tray, filled with all your favourite breakfast foods. Fluffy pancakes adorned with sliced strawberries, a side of crispy avocado toast glistening in the morning light, and a steaming cup of coffee, fragrant and inviting. But it's the single red rose placed delicately in a vase that brings tears to your eyes, a simple yet poignant gesture that speaks volumes of his love and thoughtfulness.

Max places the tray back onto the kitchen table, and nudges Isabella. She quickly turns around to look at you, holding onto something which you realize is a handmade card. Glitter and stickers adorn the card, spelling out 'Happy Mother's Day' in vibrant hues.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mama!" Isabella exclaims, her voice filled with unbridled joy as she jumps up from her seat to envelop you in a tight embrace. You return the hug fiercely, feeling an overwhelming surge of gratitude and love for these two incredible souls who have filled your life with so much joy and happiness.

She hands you the card, and once you open it, you find that there's a photo of you and Isabella glued inside. It's an older photo, back when she was just four years old. Her hair was put up into two pigtails, adorned with various clips. You clearly remember this photo, taken from an older digital camera. It was the first time Isabella had asked you to make her hair as such, and you knew that you had to take a photo of it for memories.

Along with the photo, there was a message that was undoubtedly in Max's handwriting since it was cursive. 'Best Mama Ever.'

"Thank you so much, Bella!" You peppered kisses all over her cheeks until she giggled.

Then, you glance at Max, who watched the interaction between you and your daughter with a warm smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," Max says, his voice husky with emotion as he round the kitchen table and stands in front of you. "We wanted to make today extra special for you."

Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you take in the scene before you—the love shining in Isabella's eyes, the warmth radiating from Max's smile. "Thank you, both of you," you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. "This is the best Mother's Day gift I could ever ask for."

Isabella beams at you, her dimpled cheeks rosy with excitement. "We made breakfast all by ourselves, Mama! Well, Maxy helped me flip the pancakes, but I mixed the batter!"

Max chuckles, ruffling Isabella's hair affectionately. "She's quite the chef in training, isn't she?"

You nod, a lump forming in your throat as you realize just how lucky you are to have these two incredible people in your life.

The warmth of the morning sun filters through the kitchen window, casting a golden glow over the room as you gather around the table, a sense of peace and contentment settling over you like a soft blanket. Isabella chatters animatedly about her plans for the day, her excitement palpable as she bounces in her seat, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.

"I want to pick flowers for you, Mama!" Isabella exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And then we can have a picnic in the park!"

Max leans in closer, his gaze softening as he listens to Isabella's animated tales with rapt attention. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, princess," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "I'm sure Mama would love that."

His love for her is evident in every glance, every smile, and you feel your heart swell with gratitude for the bond they share.

You nod, "yes, we can do that!"

As you tuck into the delicious breakfast spread before you, laughter fills the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet melody of Isabella's giggles. It's moments like these—simple, yet profound—that remind you of the beauty and magic of motherhood, of the love that knows no bounds.

After breakfast, Max suggests a leisurely stroll in the park, a chance to bask in the warmth of the sun and soak in the beauty of nature, along with giving Isabella a chance to pick out the flowers she wanted for you.

"Can we bring sandwiches, Mama?" Isabella asks, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Of course, sweetheart," you reply, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately. "We'll pack all your favorites."

Hand in hand, you make your way to the park, Isabella skipping ahead, her laughter echoing through the air like music. Max walks beside you, his fingers intertwined with yours, a silent promise of love and support that fills your heart with warmth.

As you wander through the park, the world seems to slow down, each moment savored and cherished. Isabella chases after butterflies, completely forgetting about the flowers as her laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves.

In that moment, surrounded by the ones you love most in the world, you realize just how precious life truly is, how every moment is a gift to be treasured and embraced.

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