Running with wolves

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Ryujin tore through the woods, patrolling all of Forks with Bangchan.

'Bet I could beat you!' She told Bangchan through mind link.

'Not a chance!' Bangchan put on a burst of speed, his russet wolf shooting ahead of Ryujin's white winter wolf. Ryujin differed from the other wolves in the pack. She was larger than all of them except for San and Bangchan. She was snow white, like chaeryeong, but instead of the frost blue eyes chaeryeong had, Ryujin's were a deep gold that none of the other wolves had.

'You underestimate me, young one', Ryujin laughed, running nimbly between the trees and weaving her way past Bangchan. Bangchab was more muscle than Ryujin, and that served him well, except for in a contest of speed. 'Chan, I am your father', she thought, laughing all the while. A deep commanding laugh echoed across the link, and Ryujin knew San had just shifted.

'Chan, you should know better'. San's deep voice chided 'Chan. Finish your patrol, and then come back'. San's voice echoed with the command of the alpha. Neither Ryujin nor Bangchan would disobey him, but now they couldn't, even if they wanted to.

Ryujin continued speeding, shooting for the border on the far side of Forks. A strange scent filled her nostrils, burning them. Ryujin skidded to a stop, and Bangchan slammed into her. They rolled several yards. 'Ryu, what the fuck!'

'What is that?' Ryujin asked, wrinkling her nose

Bangchan skimmed Ryujin's consciousness, then took a breath. 'Vampires!'

San shouted in their collective mind. 'Freeze! We'll be there soon.'

Ryujin and Bangchan remained stock still, unable to do anything. They could see the minds of the pack, knowing they were running at breakneck speed. They flanked Bangchan and Ryujin. Bangchan took his Beta position at San's side, and Ryujin fell back into the pack. San sniffed the area, the burning in his nose leading him to the edge of Forks. His determination was clear in Ryujin's mind. The burning in her nose was amplified by the minds of those around her. San sniffed the ground, his hackles raising. 'Stay close', he growled.

They followed the path of the stink. A general flow of anxiety rippled through the pack. San broke a clearing, followed by the pack. He looked ahead of him, and they all saw what San did. 'Shit, fall back'. Everyone but San backed away, refusing to break the trees. They watched through San's eyes as Yeonjun and Taeyong stepped from the mansion's porch.

"Yes, we are back," Yeonjun called. A snarl escaped from Ryujin. Yeonjun locked eyes with her. He looked confused.

Taeyong came slowly to the edge of the woods. Seulgi and yuna stood back, watching. "I imagine," Taeyong said, "That our treaty will remain in place?"

San snarled, a small growl in his chest. I suppose so.

"He says 'yes,'" Yeonjun translated.

"Any chance we could speak face to face?" Taeyong asked calmly.

A roar ripped from Bangchan. 'Don't do it! These bloodsuckers don't deserve our attention'.

'Bangchan, stop'. The growl died mid-breath. Bangchan, Changbin, follow. San backed into the trees, turning back into himself. Bangchan and Changbin followed his lead, rolling their shoulders as they slipped their jean shorts on. Ryujin, Felix, and han remained in the woods, hackles raised.

San stepped out first, Changbin and Bangchan flanking him on either side. "The only reason I am speaking with you is to renegotiate terms of the treaty."

"Which terms?" Taeyong asked calmly.

Ryujin sniffed, wondering why the vampires smelled so bad. "We would like to request the school be neutral ground."

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