Chapter 6: The Hero of a Hero

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So there is a end credits for PROJECT SHADOW with Doom, I didn't have them react since it's the present day. So I thought if I do a sequel of this story of them trying to help Shadow, what better villain than Doom himself. So if you want something like that, tell me! Anywho thank you all for all the love and support for my first ever fanfiction!


The ten minutes were up and everyone was on the edge of their seats.

Abbs: Alright we're about to finish Shadow's origin story, and while there is more to his story, whether I'll be able to show it to you is still up in the air.

Sticks: Is it because of the government, does that mean you work for them!?

Abbs: Nope, I don't actually work for those who I know need help, and make sure they can get that help they need. Which is why I invited all of you, all of you, some more than others, are good people when it comes down to it. Shadow needs good people to help him because while this was 50 years ago, to Shadow this is still fresh. Eggman, can you tell them why?

Everyone looked at Eggman, he cleared his throat.

Eggman: I found Shadow frozen in a pod in a very old lab, with a lot of security. I originally went there to take scraps to make more robots, but when I found him and my grandfather's journal on him I decided to release him. Let's just say he was very upset when he found out what year it was.

Sonic Team sat up in shock, Shadow was locked away for years? No wonder he was always angry.

Sticks: So the government used him for what they wanted, and as soon as Shadow had finished that, they locked him away for future use and to make sure no one else could find or use him. Why am I not surprised?

Amy: I'm sure they wouldn't do that, I mean, Shadow was a child.

Tails: Sorry Amy, but Sticks is likely right, especially with how G.U.N. was acting.

Knuckles: Man that's no fun, I know because I froze myself to see how I would taste as a popsicle.

Everyone gave Knuckles a look of concern.

Sonic: Well let's finish this, as fun as this was I am ready to go home.

The room was dark, and on each side of the door hid Shadow and Maria, as they heard a squad come closer to where they were.

G.U.N. Soldier: Where did he go? Have you checked the cameras?

Soldier: We can't see anything, just a knocked out squad at corridor 15...

G.U.N. Soldier: Bastard! We've been searching for hours now! This freak may have gone invisible, traveled through time, left the ship or whatever the hell he can do...

Tails: While they're not wrong about the time travel ability, does Shadow have the others?

Abbs: He could leave with his teleportation, but no Shadow can't go invisible, he is really good at stealth though.

Eggman: Can confirm, he suck into the lab and up on me so many times that I've gotten used to him just appearing out of nowhere. He always startles me regardless of how prepared I am.

Soldier: Wait... Look at this.

G.U.N. Soldier: Hum... A sealed off room... Smart.

Sticks: Leave them alone you evil men!

Amy: Sticks, yelling would change anything since this already happened. All we can do is watch and try to understand and to get to know Shadow better.

The soldiers then opened the door and they walked in.

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