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"Every performance was beautiful and graceful in its own way, but the point of this competition is to choose one, which honestly was a very difficult task but it had to be done, so announcing the results

The winner of this competition that is the DANCER OF THE YEAR 2024 IS....... 

Mr. Abhinav Sisodia and Miss. Yati Shrivastava"

The crowd buzzed with loud claps and hootings, the previous silence turned into one of chaos and excitement now. Whereas the back stage room where the atmosphere was chatty and lively suddenly turned silent and  gloomy. 

Abhinav looked at the screen proudly with a smile on his face, as if he knew he would win. Yati was still  crouched in the corner but her wide eyes were staring at the Tv with open mouth and a shocked expression on her face. 

Everyone else who was not Abhinav and Yati had their heads down while some stared at the screen in disbelief, not believing they lost. 


"The winner of this competition that is the DANCER OF THE YEAR 2024 IS.......

Mr. Abhinav Sisodia and Miss. Yati Shrivastava" 


That's what I could hear in the room and my mind too. It was like all the thoughts have immediately shut themself and the only space left in the room was for silence, a dreadful awkward silence that I hate the most. 

The only problem was no one could break this awkward silence in my mind. I hate being stuck in these situations where my mind can't think of anything and just that buzzing sound echoes in my silent mind just like a voice does in an empty-silent room. 

I hate when I'm not able to pull myself out of this silence, and right now the same is happening. I could hear that annoying buzz sound in my mind. Slowly the reality of the situation came in my mind. I lost. I lost the dance competition. I lost something I gave my whole month to. I lost to someone who just came. 

Suddenly there was a voice ringing in my head. It was maa, she was saying something, no she already told me this. 

"Dear, you can't be the best all time. You have to understand that, even if you excel at doing things very nicely, you'll find someone in this world who does it more nicely than you. And after knowing this and hating on people is just foolishness"

"But I want to be the best all the time" I whispered to myself realizing the thoughts and voices were back again. I looked around the room and found everyone whispering amongst themselves. Was I zoned out for that long? I sighed looking at the screen watching Abhinav  and yati receiving their prize.

"I didn't expect we would lose" I turned to see Satvat looking at the screen with a blank look. "Neither did I" I mumbled returning my gaze back to the screen. "I'm sorry should have done more better" He said rubbing his hands over his forehead. 

"It's no one's fault or lack of efforts satvat, it's simply fate, One is always better from you and you can't deny the fact that Abhinav is indeed a fabulous dancer and Yati is no less than him" I don't know from those words were coming, it seemed I was not comforting Satvat but myself. 

I sighed bending down to remove my ghungroos. "We'll head home now?" Satvat asked looking at me, and I could tell from his expression he was nowhere near happy. "What's with the face? Your bestfriend won the dancer of the year, go celebrate with him why would you head home?" I chuckled shaking my head. 

"I am happy for him, he deserves the best, but I know if it was some professional dancer at my place you would have won for sure, don't underestimate yourself, you're no less than Abhinav" He said smiling at me. 

Rhythm Of Heart: A Dance Of Love And RivalryWhere stories live. Discover now