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One day later.....

Location: Italy, le sirenuse, positano

the Italian people are now evacuated and they packed the stuff too far away for safety...

While genjiro was at the table and he was eating pizza with nexus

Nexus: *munching* mmm~

Genjiro: *telepathy* glad you like it, my creator

Nexus: *telepathy* can you stop saying creator. Call me nexus

Genjiro: *telepathy* oh, Lord nexus

Nexus: *😒 and telepathy* fine. Call me Lord nexus.

Genjiro: *telepathy* so my Lord, who is summoning other?

Nexus: *telepathy* yes I called my 6 creations to come here. *munching*

Genjiro: *telepathy* I see and why are you call your creations? And what are we doing here on the earth??

Nexus stop munching......

Nexus: well you see you and other my creations are busy destroying all universes for punishment or saving the universe. So I give you and others on vacation. This earth.

Genjiro: oh... And also why those titans girls are weird shirt???

Nexus: well..... I had no idea, those girls don't have clothes or something.

Genjiro: well there's a butterfly lady who can make a shirt right just like mera?

Nexus: if she knows....

Genjiro: *frustrated sigh*

Nexus: *stand up* well then. enjoy staying here

Genjiro: thanks, Lord nexus...

Then, nexus starts to teleport.

Genjiro: *bite at pizza*

Nexus: *head show* oh, I almost forgot.

Genjiro: *munching and gulp* hm?

Nexus: I have one job for you. So ah...? Destroy all robots and air ships, all across countries make them suffer and tell to frost Too.

Genjiro: *nod* as you command my Lord.

Nexus is now left.

Scene change

Location: japan

Then, the military is preparing to defend from invading.... Many heavy weapon vehicles and many ice cannon vehicles

Location: Japan, headquarter in mountain

While the general gyozen looked at the large screen and Ibuki on the computer and she was scanning on space....

Gyozen: miki are you sure ghidorah is coming?

Miki: yes. Genjiro warn me, ghidorah is coming

Gyozen: I don't believe it. That kaiju has its own name and that person with the helmet was the creator

Miki: that's correct

Gyozen: And why genjiro not helping us

Miki: because the creator orders him not to attack it and he summons another portal's creation

Gyozen: well shits.... Another kaiju again

Scene change

Location: monster island

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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