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user | user273786
is oscar piastri dating vienna moore or??? i'm so lost 😨
15,929 retweets, 28,839 likes

user | user38292
also would really like to know this lmao

user| user829144
i feel like they're going on dates but aren't actually dating 🤷‍♀️

user | user9392718
that's seems right. i mean put in a caption that she was supporting her "special friend" but then the paparazzi photos say other wise idkkkk

user | user728846
they'd be so cute together hopefully they are 🤞🏼🤞🏼

osacrpiastri retweeted

vienna | viennayeslikebillyjoel
oscar piastri is a friend and he's very special to me. yes, we're dating, but we're not a couple yet. thank you for the support! 💞

after dealing with the twitter madness vienna went to class. she couldn't believe that so many people were so interested in their relationship. it was baffling. on her walk to university her phone started ringing. "good morning." she answered. "good morning love." oscar responsed. "how was your day?" vienna asked as she crossed the street. "it was okay, would be better if you agree to come to monaco on the 22nd and stay until the 29th?" oscar said getting straight to the point, vienna chuckled. "i miss you." he added. "i miss you more. i'd love to come but my graduation is on the 30th." she sighed. "that's okay. we can get a flight back right after the race." oscar obviously really wanted her to go. "sounds good to me." vienna told him. "i'll send you the flight information, talk after class?" oscar asked. "of course. i'll facetime you when i get home."vienna said as they hung up. she walked up the steps opening the door.

vienna got done with class, after she went to her professor the one who still had yet to let her take her final. "hello." she knocked softly before entering. "vienna hello, i assume you're here about the final." he said and she nodded. "well you missed it, by a few hours." he added. "i know my flight was delayed- the excuse doesn't matter. you can retake it on the 22nd, the only day i'm allowing retakes." he cut her off, her face dropped. "i can't do it sooner?" she questioned. "i'm afraid not, either take it then or you don't graduate. surely there's nothing more important then this." vienna nodded leaving the room. there was something rather someone more important then a stupid final it would take her thirty minutes to ace.

she didn't even want to tell oscar. but pushing her trip over one day wasn't that big a deal. it was the last compromise for a long time. she called and told him about it, he understood and changed the flight to the next day. she didn't know why she was so scared. he didn't complain at all. they'd now known each other and been "together" for about two months already and vienna finally felt like she was ready to be official with him. she now just had to wait for him to ask. she hoped it would be in monaco, that would be a dream.

it was crazy how much her life changed after meeting olivia. she probably would've never been at the specific club without her, faith and georgina. vienna felt a little bad because they would talk but they hadn't hung out in so long. granted, they were just as busy with school and other things as she was and they still texted and facetimed every now and then but still. she felt bad. she invited them over for dinner which they immediately agreed too.

"i saw saw all over my twitter feed, people are so crazy." olivia said they all day at the table, their homemade pizzas were in the oven. "i get it being in the public eye and all but you seriously shouldn't have to to explain yourself like that." georgina added in. "it is what it is." vienna shrugged. "we should go out!" faith said showing them her phone, her ex was out, they all laughed at her. after talking for a little faith brought it up again so they agreed, after eating of course. vienna seriously didn't want to go but she did anyways. she got dressed, nothing special. then they made their way to the same club where the ex was. vienna texted oscar letting him know he told her to be carful.

vienna watched her friends dance but she wasn't feeling it. there wasn't that many people in the club, it was a friday night which was odd. all night this guy had been staring at her and she caught him everytime. she asked olivia to stay near her but the girl was drunk. "can i buy you a drink?" he finally worked up enough courage or drank enough to come up to her. "no i'm okay thank you." she declined giving him a small smile, her eyes immediately looking for olivia. "come on just one." he insisted. "no thank you though." vienna shook her head looking back at her friends, which they weren't there anymore. "please just one." he smiled, vienna sighed. "okay sure." she said. "come on." he put his hand out. "you go it, i'll wait here." she smiled, he nodded walking away. vienna quickly grabbed her purse walking to the exit. she pulled her phone out calling olivia. "where are you?" she asked. "oh fuck vienna! i'm so sorry, faiths ex invited us to a house party! we left i'm so sorry we can go back." olivia said frantically. "no it's fine. i'm going home. let me when you get home." vienna said hanging up. she sighed looking in her purse for her key. "shit." she cursed, she'd left it on the table. she looked at the bar seeing the guy still there. quicky she made her way back, she grabbed it turning around. the guy stood behind her. "shit you scared me." she chuckled. "going somewhere?" he questioned. "yes actually my friends want to go." vienna lied. "let them leave stay." he said putting her drink out. vienna wasn't stupid she wasn't going to drink it but she took it. she set it down on the table. "i should go, seriously their drunk i'm sober, i have to drive them." she said as she felt his hands on her waist. "please don't touch me." vienna scoffed pushing him off of her. "don't be a tease." he said going back to her. "asshole!" she said pushing him again. "hey get off of me!" vienna exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her, she squirmed as he picked her up trying to push her into a corner. "stop- he covered her mouth, her eyes went wide feeling his lips on her neck. "hey!" a bartender shouted moving from behind the bar. the guy let vienna go, she kneed him in the balls, he groaned hunching over, she quickly ran away, but he was quick to follow, the bartender had lost them in the crowd, vienna was on the verge of tears as she got outside. she spotted an officer, grabbing his arm, looking back at the guy coming out of the club holding his privates in pain, he saw her with the cop and moved to the side and watched. vienna finally looked at the cop who was asking her what happened. she told him then asked if he could walk her to her car. he did. thank god.

the girl got home and was quick to shower. she called oscar and told him what happened. he was pissed off at her friends for leaving, saying if they didn't she'd have never been put in that position. which understandable but it was a hundred percent that guys fault for not leaving her alone. oscar said he wished he could be there with her. vienna felt like she was over reacting about the situation. he didn't actually do anything to her, besides leave a huge hickey on her neck, the cop said she could press charges because but nothing significant was done for them to stick. vienna sat on her window ceil looking out it. the moon shining bright. she was crying. it had been a few hours since she'd gotten off the phone with oscar. vienna jumped hearing knocking at her door. she looked at the time on her phone, no notifications. she walked over looking out the peep hole. she opened the door crying more seeing max. "oscar called." max said putting his arms out, vienna went straight into them. "thank you." she whispered, he rubbed her back hugging back.

oscar would be the one to send another guy too his upset almost girlfriend but that just shows how much he trusts and cares about vienna.

thank you for reading!!

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃 𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙆, 𝙤𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora