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At Kara's house her alarm clock went off as she smashed it ad got up and walked to school as she had her headphones on.

Kara: [groaning]

Female Reporter: And after such a trying ordeal, it was all thanks to Superman that the orphans were saved. In other news, Superman...
Radio Announcer: Metropolis's Big Blue Boy Scout, Superman, a hero for all of us--

Tourists: Superman! Superman! Superman!

Kara groaned at those as there were billboards and signs that had superman on them. After a little
while she made it to the school.

Kara: *sighs and takes off her headphones." Finally, a place where I don't have to see his annoying

A student came and a news paper came cheetah in Kara's face as she saw it had news about superman
on it. She then groaned in frustration and went to the school as we see a wonman working on a news
report about superman.

Lois Lane: Olsen! Where's my art? Layout's in five! Cruz! ETA on the Enviro-Beat column? Gimme words!

Jessica: Almost done, Lois!

Lois Lane: Say, that's swell, Olsen!

As she was working Kara came in angry.

Lois: What's buzzin', cousin?

Kara: Why are you printing stuff about him in the school paper?

Lois Lane: What's eatin' you, Danvers? That's a legitimate story and I'm a legitimate reporter. Got it? Now who's got a pencil?

Kara: There are way more important stories out there than Superman.

Jessica: She's right. I've got a lead on some terrible chemical dumping.

Kara:What if I told you there was another hero out there, hmm? A better hero, with all the same powers as Superman but even awesomer.

Lois Lane: I like your potatoes, Danvers, but where's the meat? What other hero's gonna get me an internship at the Daily Planet?

Kara: Ever heard of Supergirl?

Lois Lane: Super who?

Kara: Supergirl.

Lois Lane: Eh, sounds like a retread to me. If this Supergirl of yours did anything to earn the front page, trust me, she'd be there. Now will someone please get me a pencil?

Kara grabbed the pencils from her hair and broke them in half as she walked out of the Daily planetoid.

Lois: Ah, there they are.

Kara was now in chemestry class as she was with you and the others.

Kara: "Sounds like a retread to me." Ugh. What does that even mean?

Karen: Uh, um, Kara? Maybe just a few grams of that potassium, please.

Kara: If anyone's a retread it's him. Did you know I was 12 when Uncle Jor-El and Aunt Lara had him? I used to baby-sit him back on Krypton!

Babs: Really? I mean, dude, that bites! No wonder you're so mad.

Karen: You know what's mad? Adding too much lithium chloride..
.[liquid bubbling]

Kara: I could've gone to Earth first and then everyone would love me, but no, I had to get stuck in space stasis while he was down here becoming a... "Man." I mean, I have the exact same power as him. I come from the exact same planet. I practically have the exact same backstory-- Oops. My bad. What happened? I thought you measured all this stuff?

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