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"It gives me utmost pleasure to call upon the Alphas of the participating packs of Sodalis. Please welcome, the Alpha of Moonscar, Darian!" The crowd cheered as the handsome face of a man in his mid-twenties emerged on the stage. He was a favorite since their pack was our closest neighbor, and we had a great bond with them. His bright smile lit up as he shook Mr. Colt's hand and then stood aside.

"Alpha Sylvan from Lunarbane!" The same reaction again as another handsome face stepped forward. Alpha Sylvan was known for his wisdom and diplomacy, traits that had kept Lunarbane in good standing among the packs of Sodalis for generations. His presence commanded respect as he joined Alpha Darian on stage.

The gathering of Alphas was a rare sight, a symbol of unity among the packs in Sodalis. The crowd watched in anticipation as more Alphas from different packs were introduced, each representing their unique strengths and traditions. It was a momentous occasion, one that would shape the future of their collective existence.

"And Lastly, Alpha Gideon from Moonshadow." The crowd went completely silent as only the echo of Mr. Colt's claps was heard, like a booming thunder before the storm. Everyone fell into an eerie hush, for Alpha Gideon was not one to be celebrated or cheered for. He was only feared.

Alpha Gideon's entrance sent a shiver through the assembly. His steely gaze swept across the audience, leaving a chill in its wake. There was an aura of dominance around him that transcended the usual bounds of respect and veered into something altogether more unsettling.

As he took his place on the stage, an undercurrent of tension rippled through the gathering. Alpha Gideon was an enigma, a figure of dark legend in Sodalis, and his presence was a stark reminder that not all Alphas were as benevolent as Darian and Sylvan. This summit, meant to forge bonds and strengthen unity, had just taken an ominous turn.

But my heart on the other hand had stopped beating.

I knew him. His familiar rugged yet handsome face, scarred with the presence of dominance, and his tall, muscular body triggered a cascade of emotions within me. I felt a strange mixture of helplessness and weakness, but also an undeniable pull towards him that I couldn't ignore.

My thoughts were interrupted as Alpha Gideon's piercing gaze swept through the audience, and then, as if drawn by an invisible force, his eyes locked onto mine. My heart leaped into my throat as his intense stare held mine, and in that moment, I knew that he recognized me too.

Our eyes remained locked, the world around us fading into the background as if we were the only people in the room. It was as though the forest's secrets and the mysteries of the night had bound us together in a way that transcended ordinary understanding.

As Alpha Gideon's gaze bore into mine, I saw something flicker in his eyes, a hint of recognition and a trace of something deeper, something unspoken. It sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from him even if I had wanted to.

"We are very fortunate and happy that Alpha Gideon finally found his Luna on this auspicious night," Mr. Colt's voice resonated through the gathering, breaking the spell that had bound us in that intense gaze.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I struggled to find words. The term "Luna" was not lost on me; it signified a deep, unbreakable bond between an Alpha and their chosen mate. The realization that I was the one who was chosen for him, the one he will call his Luna, left me both awestruck and overwhelmed.

The crowd erupted into murmurs and whispers as the significance of this declaration sank in. For Alpha Gideon, a man feared and respected by many, to have found his mate was a culminating occasion because nobody knew what was going to happen next. Will he still stay as heartless as he has always been? I seemed to be questioning this the most.

Alpha Gideon's expression remained unreadable, but there was a glint in his eyes that hinted at something more profound. As the reality of the situation settled in, a myriad of emotions coursed through me—fear, uncertainty, but also a strange sense of destiny. That last part was involuntary, and I had no control whatsoever.

"I know all of you are as excited to find out who the Luna is, as much as I am. But let's give her and Alpha Gideon a little bit of privacy so that they can figure things out before the grand wedding, which I am sure we will all get to attend. Am I right, Alpha Gideon?" It was not lost to Mr. Colt as well as everyone present here that whoever the person was, that being me, was not the luckiest. I couldn't agree more.

He looked at Mr. Colt and smiled.

It was devilish, sinister and shook me to my core. I knew something bad was coming my way, something bad was about to happen now. Suddenly, I felt so cold, a shiver ran down my spine as I looked away from him and down to my feet. Hoping all of this gets over soon. Or maybe this was all just a bad dream and I needed to wake up. Any other reality than the one I was in right now.

"Thank you, Alpha Colt for giving such a hearty welcome to me and my pack." I head bolted up in a snap as I heard his voice booming from the speakers. My fear was confirmed as he now held the mic in his hand, his eyes focused on me, burrowing deep in my soul.

"And I think it is only fair to show the same amount of gratitude from my end because after all I found my Luna from your pack." The silence that was shrouding everyone broke as everyone, as shocked as I was, started to talk among themselves. I had a bad feeling about his declaration.

"In fact, I think, my Luna should come up here and say her goodbyes to her pack all at once. I know that she will miss her pack dearly." His smile grew more as his pearly teeth shined cruelly. 

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