Part 23

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Ronan's POV

I was in doubt, even as sweat dripped down my forehead while we ran the last drill of practice. Mason watched me like a hawk from the goalpost as I bound down the ice. I didn't have to look over my shoulder to know that Conner was trailing me, and a quick flick of my wrist sent the puck to Hunter, who was unguarded and ready to score.

I took my helmet off as I heard the sound of Hunter's stick colliding with the puck, knowing that he wouldn't miss; he never did. I skated over to Hunter and gave him a pat on the shoulder while Mason cursed like a sailor, but he too gave Hunter an appreciative shove as we got off the ice.

"Good work today, boys. I'll see you tomorrow at 3 for our game with Wellington," Coach Daniels gave Mason a sharp look as he told us the time. "He just won't let it go, will he?" Mason said under his breath as we made our way to the changing rooms.

"Funny that you thought he would," Hunter told him with an amused look. My lips twitched, remembering the earful Mason got from Coach when he was late for a game in our freshman year. No one would forget that.

"The hell's wrong with you?" Mason questioned me. "Yeah man," Hunter added, "Your head was somewhere else today, what's going on up there?"

Times like this, I hated how well my best friends knew me. They saw through me like I was a ghost, read me like I was an open book. While I did appreciate not having to pretend things were fine in front of them, there were times they asked me questions I wasn't ready to answer.

There was no point lying to them, and I scratched my head with a gloved hand, wondering if I should tell them. Mason shoved my shoulder. "No way. Am I seeing Ronan Harding blush?"

I scowled at him. I was not blushing. "Oh, I can't wait to hear this," Mason chirped as he sat down opposite me, his skates and kit that needed removing long forgotten. Hunter was less aggravating, choosing to silently lean against the locker next to Mason and wait for my explanation, a small smile dancing on his lips as he did.

I sighed, giving up. "I think I went a bit overboard," I admitted, crossing my arms and leaning back. I wiggled my toes, having already removed my skates, trying to get the numbness to fade.

"With?" Mason drawled, impatient. I had to hold back an eye roll; Mason was like a woman when it came to drama and gossip.

"With Amelia," I said. Hunter's eyebrows shot up into his hairline, and Mason's smile became devilish. This time I did roll my eyes. "Don't even bother starting, it's nothing like that."

"Then what's it like?" Mason countered straight away, his tone teasing and his eyes sparkling with his usual mischief. I looked to Hunter for some help, but he shook his head at me, a smirk playing on his lips. Mason was the most annoying person I'd ever met, and if I didn't know better, I would have got up and left. But, if I did that, Mason would make sure he said "Amelia" in every sentence that he uttered to me today.

I chose to ignore him. "I got her a new phone," I told them, "And I'm realising now that it might have been a bit much."

"A bit?! Ron, you're joking," Mason looked at me in utter disbelief. Well, that wiped the teasing smile off his face. When I didn't answer, he face-palmed. "Ronan, why the hell did you buy her a new phone?"

"She broke hers and left it in my car, so I thought I'd try to get it fixed," I explained, "and when I took it to the shop the guy said it would cost almost the same to just get a new phone, so I did."

"So, you did?! Ronan, in what world is that normal?" Mason asked me slowly, "Yes, it was just a tad bit too much, you dumbo." I rubbed my temple. Of course it was too much, who even does that? Amelia was probably freaked out now.

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