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As I sat on my chair,playing one of the head of the traitor in my organization that I just beheaded earlier because I just found out the he's spying. I glanced at the clock to found out its already 11:15 pm. I sighed I thought I would have a visitor tonight? Where are they? They took them so long I dont have such precious time for them.

I got bored..its also dark but I'm not scared..its my comfort zone after all. I heard some noise and its coming from the front door of my house. I got excited! I try to suppress a laugh that bubbles up inside me from glee. I can't wait! Oh my! I won't be bored tonight am I? What have I done to have been indulged with such a pleasure!

I watch my visitor slowly closed the front door and walk as if finding something or someone..ohh! Maybe me? Did my visitor misses me so much that he wasted his time visiting me? Im so touched and my heart is very glad.

Oh my! My visitor is walking towards my direction! Maybe he senses that someone is sitting in this chair..Wow a smart one huh!

Come on...a little closer..
Wow! What a great music to be played. His screams echoes throughout my makes me shiver in delight.

I watched him scream in pain from the gunshot in his shoulder. He widened his eyes in my direction as horror plastered in his face. Priceless..I want to display that head in my collections.

I smirked, he race back to the front door and tried to open it  up it was locked. I rolled my eyes. What a pitiful attempt and a dumb decision.

I pressed the emergency button on the remote I am holding. All the windows and doors  lock  closed. I like his expression and it will be nice if he give me more entertainment. Terror is visible on his face as he desperately tried to break the window wich is actually dumb thing to do.

He face me and point his gun on my direction but before he pulled the trigger I shot the gun he was holding.

I stand up from my chair and finally showing myself to him. I waved my hand and smirked at him.
"Hi there, do you want to play? Hmmm?" I said as I slowly walk towards him.

"Hide and seek would be fun! How'll hide and I'll find you? I'm good at seeking!" He stepped back and started to run upstairs. Ohh he's excited? Perfect! I want a playmate like him!

I walked upstairs and opened every door until I got inside my room. I know where he is.. "Come out, come out wherever you are~~" I sang. I opened my bathroom but none. I looked under the bed but there's no one there so I opened my cabinet door.

I gasped "There you are! I found you! See? I told you I'm good at it!" My precious visitor whimpers in pain as I pulled him by holding his shoulder where I shot him earlier." Oops! Sorry not sorry!" I laughed as I put the dog chain in his neck and started to torture him in my own room luckily I have tools here.

I hit his head so he won't be able to run because I'm tired of chasing! I tied him up on a chair and get my tool box under my bed. This is gonna be fun!

I opened it I'm sad! Why ?! This tools is only for fixing my computer, I remembered I used it before to fix my very old computer. what--ohh! Here it is hex driver won't be that bad.
I stared at it and I decided to put it in his shoulder as he quivered in pain. Oh! Such a music in my ears!

"Hmm. I like your eyes..its Ash gray wow! I think there's nothing wrong if I'll have that?"

"Please! No! I--AHHHHH!" He screams as I take out his eyeballs with my tweezer and putting his eyeballs in his mouth. He gasped in horror as he accidentally swallow his own eyeballs.

"How does it taste?" I curiously asked but he's still crying in pain.

"Tsk! I'm asking you and you didn't answer me back? What's the use of your mouth? Your tongue huh?!" I took my fliers and started cutting his useless tongue while gripping his jaw and made him eat it. I was enjoying watching him as he swallowed his tongue and crying when he suddenly shut up.

I faced the one who made him shot up and my mood changed when I saw who it is. I run to him and hugged him..he hugged me back and kissed my forehead.
"Playing is enough, time to go home my princess." I looked at him and pouted. I stared at my dead playmate laying on the floor.
"But dad--" I can't finish my words as I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

"Time to go home my psycho princess." He sweetly spoke.The last words I heard from my father before losing consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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