1 | The Start

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"Say cheese Jisung!" Minho held a camera up to his eye level, closing one eye as his tounge stuck out a bit, trying to get the camera to focus on the boy infront of him.

"Hm?" Jisung turned around and noticed Minho trying to take a picture of him. He smiled and held his hand up in a still wave.

Minho stared at the smile through the camera, melting at the sight. His hands lowered down to his chest, his eyes slightly widened as his heart started beating at a faster speed, blush crept to his cheeks.

This was a new found feeling for him, he never felt like this before, especially not for his best friend.

This is the moment when.... I met my first love.

( This book was inspired by this fanart )

They laid together in the daisy field, surrounded by beautiful daisies as they looked up at the blue sky

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They laid together in the daisy field, surrounded by beautiful daisies as they looked up at the blue sky.

Today the sky was not as blue as the other day, it was a lighter colour. More relaxing. It was windy and not too sunny, the perfect whether or atleast in their opinion.

Jisung raised his hand, pointing at a specific cloud that was in a somewhat shape of a bunny

"Looks like you" he said, turning his head to the side, his blonde bangs falling slanted onto his left eyebrow

Minho chuckled softly upon seeing the bunny shaped cloud and turned his head to look Jisung directly in the eyes.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips upon seeing the youngers doe eyed stare, it was almost as if that stare was admiring.

"How does that look like me?" he asked with a wide grin.

"You have bunny teeth! And its adorable" The younger smiled cheekily at his hyung.

Minho blushed from hearing Jisung say his bunny teeth were cute. Minho had always hated his bunny teeth and were very insecure of it but upon hearing the younger say it, it felt... Like his stomach was about erupt from all the butterflies that were going crazy in there.

"Pfft. No way! Its not adorable" he muttered out, flustered.

"Mhm. Whatever you say" Jisung returned to watching the sky, watching the clouds move slowly to the left and murging together.

"Dont u think we should get going, Jisung? Im sure your parents will be looking for you soon"

"Nooo i dont wanna go! I wanna stay here with you" Jisung whined

"Cmon. Lets get you home now. Youll see me again tomorrow" Minho grinned as he sat up , standing up, being extra careful not to crush anymore daisies than he already did.

"Finee. You promise we'll see eachother again tomorrow?" Jisung said, also getting up to his feet and dusting off the pollen on his clothes.

"Promise" Minho said softly, staring at the younger with an adoring warm smile.

But little did he know. That was the last day, he would see his first love.


"Come on Minho baby, im sorry but we have to go now. The van is waiting" Minhos mother tried to pull him out of the house while some men walked in and out, carrying boxes and the whole slowly emptying out.

"N-No! I don't wanna move! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I didn't say bye to Jisung!" Minho pulled back with tears in his eyes.

Moving away meant moving to a new country, a new house, a new school and moving onto new friends. He couldn't move away from everything he has built from these past few years. Especially not Jisung. Especially not his first love that he just discovered yesterday.

"Please sweetheart. We have no time to go say bye to Jisung. Our plane is leaving in an hour" Minho's mom begged Minho to stop being so stubborn.

Minho finally stopped. Realising he had no place to argue and it was all too late to stop. He nodded before letting his mother drag him out of his beloved childhood home.


Jisung happily ran to their usual meet up spot and sat down on the bench he usually sat at while waiting for Minho.

He was excited to meet the older again because he had finally learnt how to make a paper plane. Minho would always tease him for not knowing how to make a paper plane even at his age so today he was excited to show off his skills to the older.

But after 10 minutes of waiting he began to doubt if Minho was even coming.

Its okay... He's always late anyways

Jisung brushed it off as he raised his feet up onto the bench and laid down.

It was now dark out and he was laying on the bench, all alone.

Jisung sighed, wiping a small tear that escaped his eyes as he pursed his lips.

He sat up and cried.

"Why didn't he come! He promised..." he cried out. He then got up and began walking along the sidewalk that lead to his home.

It was dark out so he started to run.

Once he reached home he walked into the kitchen to find his lovely mother there

"Oh Jisungie! Why are you crying! Wheres Minho? He normally brings you back home earlier than this..." Jisungs mom quickly walked over to Jisung and engulfed him in a hug.

"H-H-He didn't come t-today" Jisung tripped over his words as he cried, hugging his mother back as he wailed into her shoulder.

"He didn't come today? Im so sorry darling! Maybe he'll come tommorow..." she reassured his beloved son.

For many days, weeks, months and years Jisung always went back to their usual meeting spot.

After a few months he finally accepted that Minho was never coming back but despite that he kept coming back, in hope of seeing him again.

10 years later

Jisung sighed as he took in the fresh air of the park. He was sitting on the bench that he sat on everyday ever since he was 9.

He has been coming back every day until he was 19. But still no sign of a Lee Minho.

He stood up from the bench and began walking back home.

*Insert the opening music for want so bad*

In A Field Of Daisies, Your The Prettiest Of Them AllWhere stories live. Discover now