2 | Bunny Teeth

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3 weeks later

Walking back into the house, i set my bag down onto the ground as i stared at my mom and dad both sitting on the couch together. This was unusual.

My mom faced me an her face softened. "Ah. Jisungie... Please come here.. Me and ur dad would like to talk to you"

And that crushed the mood. The tone of her voice was enough to tell me something bad was happening.

I walked over to the couches and sat infront of them, my eyebrows furrowed with confusion

"Your going to a boarding school."


Before i knew it, there i was standing in south korea, infront of a... Boarding school? I was holding my bags, one on my back and i was carrying my messenger bag.

Never thought that the first thing i would be doing when i go to my 2nd year of college that i would immediately move to a boarding school. In South korea too.

I mean i was korean but i kinda just lived in Malaysia my whole life.

But then it hit me.

What if... Minho came back?

I sighed heavily upon the realisation. Well, this goes my last hope of meeting him again.

Its been 10 years Jisung he's not coming back.

Shut up thoughts u know nothing.

Im litterely you, are you calling yourself dumb?

"Okay i really gotta stop that" i chuckled softly before walking into the building which im guessing is where the dorms were.

I walked up to a desk where a nice old lady was.

"Name?" she asked.

"Han Jisung"

"Room 143, to the left" she said before handing me the keys which i kindly took.

I thanked the old lady before walking to my dorm.

Damn im kinda worried like is my roommate gonna be completely terrifying or nice.

Wait dont worry about that worry about the students, like the teachers and ur classmates.

No! Think about fitting in! What if you get bullied? What if nobody likes you!

No way! Think about ur korean! Ur in a korean school, you might be fluent but how about ur accent! Your gonna sound like a fool-

I quickly blinked myself into reality. A habit of mine which i do when my thoughts started squaring up with eachother.

I walked into the empty dorm. Seeing 2 wardrobes, 2 study desks with chair, a big screen tv, a couch and a bunker bed.

Oh wow great a bunker bed.

No way no wow great what if you have a fight over whose getting top or bottom bunk!

Atleast we have somewhere to sleep!

If your saying an 'atleast' atleast make it a good one! Like.. Atleast its not one bed!

Oh shut up you.

I am you! You telling me to shut up huh?  Huh?!

I sighed before placing my bags down annd deciding to bottom bunk. I crawled into the space of the bottombunk. It was quite spacious. And at the side of the bed there was a narrow cluntertop with a plug. Great so i can place stuff not too big on the countertop and my phone can charge.

What if you accidentally bump your head on the countertop?

Why did u even pick bottom bunk. Top bunk is cooler.

Bortom bunk is even cooler! I mean look at it under here! Its amazing! And we wont have a difficulty getting out of bed.

But what if our roomate wants bottom bunk.

"Aisssh! Shut up!" i said while frowning.

"What? Me?" i heard a voice ask.

I basically jumped at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

I saw two pairs of legs walk up to the bottom bunk before a hand wrapped on the headboard before crouching down and looking under. I squeeked in surprise and immediately backing up into a corner.

And i swear i just saw the most magestic man ive ever seen in my whole life.



no way this man just got my own thoughts to agree on something.

I stared at the boy in complete shock by his beauty. And also from the shock of him being here.

"Oh. You must be Jisung. Im Minho" he said before crawling under the bunk bed too, making my heartbeat go rapid.

"Heh.. Minho. I had a childhood friend whose name was the same" I said smiling kindly at the boy.

"I also had a childhood friend who had the name Jisung" Minho returned the smile.

"What a coincidence!" i said putting a hand infront of my mouth and making the 😲 face but it was cuter.

Minho chuckled softly. "Yeah..." He said tilting his head and resting it on his shoulder. Suddenly his gaze softened when looking at me.

" what a coincidence"

He said with the cutest smile ever.

What stuck out most to me were his bunny teeth.

I always found those adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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