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Marcelene pov…

“Can I straighten your?” Medora asks, touching my hair. “No, I like my hair curly.” I slap her hand away. “But your hair will look really good straight. Then you can add a Hello Kitty hair band like your phone case.” I snap my head at her.

“You have a Hello Kitty hair band?” She laughs, nodding. “Do you want it?” I sigh, looking away from her. I hum, nodding, “Sorry, what was that?” I hum again, louder. “Celene, are you even speaking English?”

“Yes, I want it.”

The others start laughing. I don’t even know what’s funny.

“Then on your first day of school, let me straighten your hair.” I sigh and nod. “Fine, whatever. As long as I get the Hello Kitty hairband.” I love Hello Kitty. I have a bunch of plushies in my room that I bought from Korea.

I never even knew Medora liked Hello Kitty.

“Damn, since when did Celene start liking all that cartoon shit?” Ravenna says. “Exactly,” Jodie says, shaking her head. “Well, she was in Korea for a long time. Korea has all those cute cartoon shops with merch and stuff.”

They’re talking as if I’m not here. Oh wait, nothing new.

“Are all the boys leng in Korea?” Medora asked. “Medora, you have a boyfriend for fuck sake.” I look out of the window as soon as that is mentioned. “Can you all stop swearing?” I heard Mum say.

“Why did you have to bring that up?” I hear her mumble beside me. “What do you mean? You have a boyfriend and you are asking about boys in Korea.” I look at Jodie because this bitch talking way too fucking much.

Ravenna slaps her and they both look at me. I just look away and mind my own business. Well, this was nice.

“We’re here,” Odeliah says. She parks the family van and I get out. “You guys wait here,” Mum says also getting out of the car. We’re right now at one of the most famous football clubs in the whole of England.

I was shocked that they agreed to take me for only five months.

“Marcelene Hwang.” I shook hands with my new manager, Sebastian. “Nice to finally meet you in person.” he smiles. “Nice to meet you too.” He shook hands with my mother. “Nice to meet you, I will be your daughter's new manager. Call me Sebastian.”

She nods smiling and he guys us to the club's lounge room.

This club is fucking huge.

“Would you guys like anything at all?” I shook my head. “I’m fine thank you,” Mum said the same.

“Alright, let's get into it then.

Now, Marcelene you are an amazing player. You can defend, tackle, and play striker and midfielder all in one match. Now, that’s an hour and thirty minutes. Playing all these different roles in that amount of time is impressive.

We sadly already have a captain but we will give a co-captain. So you will be in charge whenever our captain comes off the pitch.” I thanked him.

“We have your measurements with us and are preparing your jersey. Here is your coat with our logo since the weather is still very cold at the moment.” He gave me a big bag and I thanked him. I looked inside and it was a body puffer jacket with the logo.

“I hope you have your schedule and will memorise it. We don’t tolerate lateness here at all.” I’m never late anyway.

“Now, because we bought you,” That sounds like slavery but I'm gonna keep my thoughts to myself.

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