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⁕ A r p a n a  P a t h a k ⁕

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⁕ A r p a n a  P a t h a k

S E P T E M B E R  2 0 1 7 ,

"Miss Pathak, there's no need to be afraid," Mr. Haresh Awasthi, our college principal, reassured me with a calm voice. "Just tell me the names of the students involved in the ragging incident. I understand that no one wants to speak up against them, but I assure you, I will take the necessary actions to ensure your safety."

How could he truly understand? 

He needed to step out of his fully air-conditioned office and see things for himself. I doubted if he would ever do that.

I was in the Principal's Office. He had been questioning various juniors who were present during last week's ragging incident, but no one had been willing to divulge any names. 

Why would they, anyway? 

Many of the juniors in my class seemed to enjoy the ragging, after all. Finally, it was my turn.

After a brief pause, I carefully chose my words. "I apologize, sir," I began, putting on my best innocent expression. "I arrived late for the class that day. Unfortunately, I don't have any information about what happened."

Mr. Awasthi paused thoughtfully, considering my response. After a moment, he nodded and allowed me to leave. 

Thank god!

But before I left, he emphasized the importance of reporting any relevant information should it come to my attention. I nodded in agreement before taking my leave, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension.

The college campus was bustling with excitement during lunchtime as everyone geared up for Fresher's Day festivities. Despite having been at the college for more than a week, I hadn't managed to strike up a friendship with anyone. So, I grabbed my meal from the canteen and settled down at an empty table, observing the lively atmosphere around me while I ate alone.

As I absorbed in my thoughts, Falguni suddenly appeared and took a seat across from me, setting her plate down with a cheerful smile. Her demeanour suggested she was in good spirits.

 Probably because I had saved her ass from being restigated.

"Hey, thanks for not telling our names!" she exclaimed gratefully. 

I smiled and replied, "It wasn't a big deal. Besides, who would dare report you? You're the seniors, right!?"

"Hmm right..." she nodded, digging into her food. Between bites, she added, "Anyway, once we're done eating, I want to introduce you to some other people."

I hesitated for a moment. Meeting new people always made me a bit nervous, especially since I didn't know anyone yet.

Looking for an excuse, I said, "Well, I appreciate it, but I really need to catch up on some notes..."

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