15- Kissing my bestfriend

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Harris: Tidur la dah penat sangat tu...

Harris tucked in Hannah's fringe behind her ears. Hannah was following him around as he was heating up the left over laksa in the microwave.

Hannah shook her head.

Hannah: Nak teman suami makan.

She giggled. He chuckled.

He held her shaking hand with his left hand and the nasi goreng on his right hand to the coffee table. He still holds her hand as he was eating with his other hand. Hannah observed the way he eats, always adorable. He looks slightly different maybe it was just her feelings. Since he had become someone very meaningful to her life. The person she will spend her whole life with.

Hannah: Kenapa dari tadi tak lepas pegang tangan ayang?

Harris: Lepas gian.

Hannah laughed.

Harris: Dah lama rasa nak pegang tangan gebu ni. Especially when it's sh..

Harris stopped speaking. He didn't want to say that word.

Hannah: Shaking.. cakap je la. Ayang dah okay la. Tak sensitive dah. Dulu je tak reti terima takdir Allah. But now aku ok je bila orang tanya.

Harris usap tangan Hannah again.

Harris: Syukur, alhamdulillah. I'm glad you did.

He kissed her hand again.

Hannah wiped her hand teasingly.

Hannah: Bekas laksa!

They laughed.

Hannah: Sayang, gossip apa dengan ibu?

Harris smirked.

Harris: Dah agak dah.. mesti ada benda ni.

Hannah: Hehehehe bagitau la...

Harris: Jap.

Harris sipped his teh ais deliciously.

Harris: Nak?

Hannah: Tak nak.. nanti kembung.

Harris: Tak nak, aku habiskan.

Hannah buat muka tak kisah.

Harris: Ibu cerita dengan aku yang kau minta tips memikat suami.

Hannah cheeks reddened. She felt like hiding herself in a place where Harris couldn't find her.

Hannah: Ya Allah! Apesal pula ibu pergi cerita.. Malu la!

Harris laughed again. He rubbed his hand on her cheeks.

Harris: Dia pesan yang anak perempuan seorang ni manja. Tinggi suara sikit je dah menangis. Tapi dia reti jaga diri, insyaallah pandai jaga suami.

Hannah: Oh itu ke... Ingat gossip apa la tadi. Tapi aku manja ke?

Harris: Sort of. And I like it. Nanti manja lah lagi.. dah jadi bini kan..

Hannah: Hahahaha aku rasa nanti kau yang manja melebih.

Harris: Itu pasti! Baru lepas akad aku dah minta kau pakaikan baju.

Hannah: Tula tak reti malu.

Harris: Malu, segan, tak sampai hati tu semua kena buang sekarang. Kita dah jadi suami isteri. Ayang, I know it takes time but please never malu to say that you are tired, you can't do it. Since I'm always here with you. We'll do everything together adapting to this marriage life. Don't make the house chores, masak tu semua your job. Kalau tak larat biar je... Please..

Hannah angguk, touched by his words. She kissed his hand.

Hannah: Thank you sayang.

Harris usap pipi Hannah.

Harris: Can I get a hug now?

Hannah smiled. She embraced him, placing her head on his chest and her hand wrapping his body tight. It is so warm and calming. His body scent is so heartwarming. Harris also inhaled her scent long.

Harris pulled their body apart, Hannah was about to fall asleep in his arm.

Harris: My interest?

Hannah: Interest?

Harris: Kiss la ayang ni..

He chuckled.

Hannah placed her palm on his cheek. They were looking at each other's eyes deeply. Hannah move her lips closer to his. Her lips touched his lips that made them closed their eyes. Their lips were static for awhile. Harris was waiting for her to lead but it seems that he needs to take over. He opened his mouth slightly and bit her underlips moving to her upper lips. He glided his lips smoothly between hers.

The long slow kiss made them reminisced the olden days, eight years of friendship. In Hannah's dictionary, she never thought that this day would come. The day where she and Harris will be together as husband and wife. Meanwhile, Harris had long for this moment for so long. He still feels like he was dreaming, having Hannah by his side, as his wife.

They pulled their lips apart after losing breath. Both of them were blushing, they touched their lips awkwardly.

Harris: Oh is this how it felt like? Kissing my own bestfriend that is now my wife.

He chuckled so do Hannah. Hannah suddenly yawned.

Harris: Jom tidur.. ayang penat sangat dah tu.

Harris dragged Hannah towards the bed. Hannah still sit quietly at the end of the bed. Feeling if it's alright for her to sleep instead of doing what everyone is doing in their first night.

Harris: Termenung apa tu? Sini!

He patted the pillow next to him. Hannah lied down as she was instructed. Harris placed his arm on her waist and placed his head on her shoulder. She could clearly hear his breath.

Hannah: Sayang, takpe ke, kita macam ni je malam ni?

Harris chuckled. Knowing well what she was thinking.

Harris: Ayang larat ke?

He looked at her with flirty eyes teasingly.

Hannah smiled awkwardly.

Hannah: Tak... Penat...

He kissed her cheeks.

Harris: Sayang pun tak larat. Kita tidur je la malam ni.

He pulled her closer, cuddling.

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