#29 Broken Doll

62 18 29

Love me
then scatter me
like ashes

Burn me
till there's nothing left
but just smoke

Of what we were
and what we had,
I was captivated

By the dreamy meadows
and promises
of the gardens

The lies in your words,
my chains,
that made these meadows
my prison

And your words a poison,
that slowly ate away
at my heart

If life was a play,
then climax would be
your betrayal

Now I stand
before the graveyard
of my old self

I feel lost, but
these woods
feel like my home,
empty and barren
like my soul is.

Don't send for me
a carriage, I have
no home to
return to

It's no home if
there I feel abused,
broken, tortured
down to my soul.

Like a broken doll,
I was surprised
to find that
I was loved

I was curious
about these sparks
that you ignited
in my heart

I wanted nothing but to
have your initials tattooed
on my skin

To show you my conviction,
my devotion to you,
my love.

You had my soul
and my heart, my everything.
But who knew that
it was all a facade.

You toyed me,
made me believe
in you,

unwrapped me
like a wrapper and then
threw me away.
now I'm just a carcass
with no flesh.


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