𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

Joe couldn't contain his excitement when Nazeli asked him to accompany her to her doctor's appointment to check on the progress of her pregnancy.

He was thrilled at the prospect of getting a glimpse into the health of his soon-to-be born grandchildren.

As they sat in the examination room awaiting the doctor, Joe held Nazeli's hand gently, sensing her nervous anticipation.

When the doctor performed the ultrasound, the whooshing sounds of two tiny heartbeats filled the room, causing Joe and Nazeli's breaths to catch in their throats.

"They have my nose, thank God!" Nazeli exclaimed joyfully as she examined the ultrasound screen.

Joe chuckled lightheartedly at her relief over the babies inheriting her petite nose. The doctor confirmed the babies were growing big and strong, and revealed that Nazeli may deliver sooner than expected due to their size.

Joe's mind raced thinking of all they still needed to prepare - the nursery was barely started! As they left the appointment, Joe suggested they stop at the baby store right away to purchase furniture and supplies for the twins' impending arrival.

Nazeli quickly FaceTimed her best friend Gia to share the news that her baby shower would need to happen this month, not next as originally planned.

At the store, Nazeli's eyes lit up at the tiny onesies and plush blankets Joe picked out, imagining wrapping her precious babies in the soft fabrics.

Their joy was overflowing as they returned home to share the appointment details and baby shower update with Galina.

"I can plan this baby shower in two weeks," Galina said.

Nazeli smiled. "Thank you, Gigi. Gia can help you with it since she knows what I like," Nazeli told Galina.

Joe and Galina looked at each other with uncertainty when Nazeli referred to Galina by the nickname "Gigi." It had been just two months since Nazeli came to live with Joe and Galina, and the family dynamic was still evolving.

Though hesitant at first to embrace her father and his family, Nazeli was warming up to kind-hearted Galina more each day.

The special nickname "Gigi" signaled that a true mother-daughter bond was forming between them.

When Joe asked where the nickname came from, Nazeli explained it was her personal name for Galina.

Galina was overjoyed and hugged Nazeli tightly, affirming that she loved the nickname. Galina marveled at how quickly she had come to love Nazeli like her own daughter in their short time together.

After Nazeli left to order lunch for the family, Galina broke down in tears of joy and confessed to Joe that she could not bear the thought of Nazeli moving out when she turned 18. Joe understood completely, also feeling that Nazeli had become a cherished part of their lives.

He assured Galina that they would do everything possible to make Nazeli feel so loved that she would want to stay.

The new nickname "Gigi" was a heartwarming sign that their patchwork family was stitching itself together one thread of affection at a time.

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Nazeli J.P.A 💘
Personal blog
inquiries: nazeli@nazeliinquiries.com

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nazeliii Current stage of pregnancy: rolling over counts as daily exercise.
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Desmond came over and met with Joe to share some important news regarding Nazeli's unborn baby girls.

Desmond informed Joe that he had successfully tracked down Tevon, the reluctant father who wanted no part in the babies' lives, and got him to legally sign away all parental rights.

Joe was relieved that the deadbeat dad was now out of the picture for good, but he still harbored some distrust towards Desmond and his motives.

"Is Nazeli going to be okay with you doing this behind her back?" Joe asked pointedly.

Desmond assured him that Nazeli trusted him implicitly to handle delicate family matters.

"I've known her since she was small. Her mom Rissa was more of a friend, so I had to be the responsible parental figure for Nazeli," Desmond explained.

He wanted Joe to understand that he cared deeply for Nazeli as her uncle and would always protect her best interests, whether Joe approved or not.

After a tense exchange, Joe reluctantly acknowledged that they could be cordial for Nazeli's sake.

Just then, Nazeli came downstairs distraught, showing them threatening messages from Tevon on social media.

In that moment, Desmond and Joe's mutual love for Nazeli overpowered their personal friction.

"How do you want to handle it?" asked Desmond.

"I got a couple cousins his age," Joe suggested ominously.

Desmond nodded in agreement, "Send them, I'll pay for bail."

They would deal with Tevon together, as a family.

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