Chapter 3 lyra wakes up and receives the good news

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Serephina pov
Pantalaimon is snuggled up with Lyra when she opens her eyes. She then see,s me
serephina where am I she asks me her voice raspy
Me Lyra you are at lake enara which is at the far north end of your Oxford.
Which is home to us witches and now you and pan if you are open to it . The note I wrote you will explain more .
Lyra pov
I open my eyes And see serephina
serephina where am I ask her my voice raspy
Serephina Lyra you are at lake enara which is at the far north end of your Oxford.
Which is home to us witches and now you and pan if you are open to it . The note I wrote you will explain more .the room you are in currently is a guest bedroom but can be your,s and pans room
I then view serephina note it reads .
Dear Lyra your daemon was smart enough to let me know what,s going on .
You will not be going back to st Sophia,s college or Jordan College I have decided it's safer for you and pan to stay with me and the other witches there is more news I will tell you when you wake up . Make sure to take both meds I've healed you as much as possible with my power,s you will still be sick and in pain for a little while longer though. Yes the juice is actually apple juice not fake apple juice that's actually orange juice with red food dye I'm sure you will be able to figure that out on your own when you wake up but I didn't want you to worry
Love serephina
I then take a pain pill and take a sip of apple juice I do the same with the fever medicine I drink the rest of my apple juice and eat the saltine crackers serephina collects everything when i am done and puts the medicine away for me until I need it again and throws the wrapper for the saltine crackers away and puts my empty glass in the dishwasher along with the tray .
She then comes back into the room.
Serephina Lyra how are you feeling?
Me I feel nauseous like i might throw up and my body is really sore.
Serephina unfortunately i can't do much for you right now because you just took med,s for both of those things but when you need them again please tell me .
She goes into the bathroom real quick to get a trash can for me in case I do need to throw up .
If you're fine with talking right now i have some good news to share with you .
Lyra ok please tell me .
Serephina I give Lee permission to live in this world with us my powers will protect him and his daemon from harm yes they are alive and Mary Malone will and kijava and will Jhon parry yes he is also alive are working on a way to travel in between worlds that does not include the knife and will come visit us often once they figure it out .  That,s it I think a lot of the how question are better to ask them.
Me ok when will Lee get here .
Serephina i haven't contacted him yet but can now if you want me too.
Lyra yes please and I ent never wanna go back to st Sophia,s or Jordan but how will I learn
Serephina we shall home school you everything you are learning there is nothing we can't teach you Lyra .
She leaves to contact Lee and everyone else.
She comes back in after a little bit
Serephina Lee says he will leave tn and can get here by tomorrow morning will and Mary Malone kijava and Jhon parry will come to visit as well because they have figured it out  they are only visiting though as only one adult and one daemon can be given permission to survive living in this world with my power,s  I figured you want that adult to be Lee  they will come back to visit often though .
I think it's time you get some rest it's night time now. I can stay here with you in your room if you want or you can come get me from my room if you need to.
Lyra stay here just for tonight please
Serephina ofc Lyra
Pan glad you are ok Lyra and I hope you get better soon good night cuddles up to her too fall asleep.
Lyra thank,s pan good night to you as well pan good night serephina  Lyra then falls asleep
Serephina good night Lyra sleep well and get better soon. Serephina gets in the bed on the other side of Lyra and falls asleep.

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