5. He is abnormal

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Consider Afrin as the narrator

In an unexpected turn of events, Selva, who was positioned on the balcony, cried out "THOMAS" and accompanied his exclamation with a peculiar smile.

This gesture caused Thomas to feel a surge of panic and fix his gaze on Selva. Subsequently, Selva inadvertently dropped his mobile device as he locked eyes with Thomas. The situation took a concerning turn when Selva collapsed with a loud thud.

Upon hearing the commotion, I hastened to the scene along with Babu. I attempted to revive Selva by splashing water on him, but to no avail. Seeing no improvement, I resorted to submerging his head in the water in an effort to help him regain his breath. After a moment of distress, Selva finally regained consciousness as he sought to breathe.

Quickly, we rushed him to the nearest hospital, where the doctor assured us of his physical well-being. However, it became apparent to us that despite the doctor's reassurance, Selva was actually suffering from insomnia and stress.

Reflecting on this incident, we came to the realization that finding a resolution for Selva's underlying issues was imperative.

Following the incident when Selva called Thomas and subsequently fainted, there was no further interaction between Thomas and Selva. Thomas expressed apprehension about facing Selva.

During one day, I, Adhiyan Selva, was in my room while Adhiyan was occupied with his mobile device and Selva was asleep with his hands crossed over his chest. Adhiyan inquired why Selva was sleeping in that manner, to which I replied that I did not know.

Subsequently, I left the room and engaged in conversation with Abhi Anna and Thomas, who resided in the adjacent room. Adhiyan observed Selva sleeping peculiarly and was puzzled by it. Upon hearing a noise near the window, Adhiyan investigated but found nothing, and when turning back to Selva, noticed him awake, asking about the sound in a threatening manner before falling back asleep.

Adhiyan, already fearful, became extremely anxious and fled the room, confiding in me about the situation.

After revealing the series of events, Adhiyan was stunned. He sought refuge in Abhi Anna's room while I nonchalantly slept in the same room with Selva.

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