Stone Jaguar: Italy Madness

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A. Sinbad the Mountain

Stone Jaguar/Wrong Place/Pt. 1

Standing there within the walls of Moon Light Castle. My fellow heroes an I watched the wizard Anselm facing all of us and speaking. "Thank you everyone". "For saving our kingdom". "An hope all goes well, where you go next". Understanding this we watched him open a magic portal. Who first send Unicorn Princess Knight back to her own time line/dimension. Who was then about to send the rest of us to where we should be. When suddenly out of the blue. These three red color portals appeared out of nowhere. Which then pulled me into one of them. Who flew through the air while screaming. Unsure where it was taking me. Until landing within an open grass field and now asking myself, shortly after hitting the ground. "What happened back there"? "An where did it send me"? While noticing my fellow hero another major problem. Rhodeus wasn't here. 


Stone Jaguar/Wrong Place/Pt. 2

With no idea of where that strange portal had send me. I began walking around, hoping to find some clue. On where I've been sent. Yet alone where Rhodeus might be. As I spotted some sort of farm with tons of bushes straight ahead. With me approaching it while staying cautious. Until approaching this lonely 47 year old man, standing at 5'6, short grey hair, while also going bald and bright green color eyes. He faced me with a confuse expression and asked. "Who are you"? With me replying. "I'm Stone Jaguar". "Who's wondering if this is Spain"? The old man replied. "This isn't Spain". "But Italy itself". I couldn't believe this. As I now grew worried and asked. "Which way is Spain"? He pointed towards the south-west. With me thanking him an about to leave here. Until noticing six men approaching. Which made the old man looked worried and me realizing. That they weren't here to be kind.   


Stone Jaguar/Protector

Facing the small group of men, I watched as they stopped and one of them, being 23 years old, 5'8, short brown hair and light blue color eyes begin speaking. "Who is this old man"? I spoke. "Stone Jaguar". Who then asked. "Now what do you want from this old man"? With the man replying. "None of your business". "Now leave". Who kept looking at them in anger. Knowing they weren't here to do good. But cause trouble instead. As the same man spoke. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way". As they began drawing out these hidden knives. Who then began attacking me. With me quickly using my powers. Turning my skin into stone and deflect it. Which also shocked them. Who didn't know what to say here. As I quickly beat them all up. Before the old man thanked me. With me then tying them all up in ropes before leaving.  


Stone Jaguar/Long Walk

Walking along with no supplies and doing my best to avoid trouble. I've managed to get a good distance before spotting what looked like a town very far away. But also within the direction that I'm heading. Who kept walking down there. Until hearing someone familiar speak to me from close by. "Hello Stone Jaguar". That's when I turned my attention towards the right. An could see that it was Mpho, better known as Bone Hand. Which cause me to look shock as I spoke. "No....this is impossible". "For your supposed to be in Africa". He reply. "I was and about to be horribly punished". "When Time Taker somehow found me". "An gave me a new chance". "To get my revenge". As he quickly drew out a long sword and started attacking me right away. With me dodging it while drawing my own short sword. Who ready myself as I began defending myself.  

Stone Jaguar: Italy MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now