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Leo was bored. In fact, he was very bored. "ARGH STUPID BOREDOM!!" He yelled at empty space. Festus creaked and whirred behind him. "I know I'm being loud, but there's ABSOULUTLEY NOTHING TO DO!!" Nyssa opened popped her head inside the bedroom. "Leo, what the hell are you doing?" She asked. "Well, IM BORED." He complained.   "I do not think yelling is gonna solve the problem." Leo sighed. "Well, why don't you suggest a picnic with your friends and that girl Calypso? Isn't she your girlfriend or something?" Leo blushed. Yeah sure, Calypso is his girlfriend, but saying it out loud is kinda weird. "That's a good idea." He said.


Soon everyone was on Camp Half Blood's  beach. Well, everyone on the Argo II and Nico, will, and Calypso. Here's the thing. He hasn't exactly told anyone about him and Cal yet, but Nyssa pried it out of him so only she knows. And his sister, Piper, kind of figured it out, although she hasn't said anything yet. Odd. Anyways, back to the picnic. All of Leo's friends were at the beach. The were all gathered around a very big, impressive looking sandcastle Annbeth and the girls built. "PERCY!" She snapped. "I swear to fucking Poseidon himself, if you destroy this castle..." Percy gulped and the tidal wave sank back into the water. "How'd you know?" 

"Percy I'm your girlfriend. I would know."

"But how?"

"Girlfriend instincts."

"Why don't I have them?"

"Because you aren't a girl."

Leo cleared his throat. "Are you guys done?" "Yes. Sorry about my idiot boyfriend." Annabeth said. Hazel was making gold ingots pop up around the castle. Frank was busy grilling hot dogs and burgers. Tofu burgers too, mind you. Jason and Percy was arm wrestling to see who was the strongest. "HA HA!" Came Jason's triumphant cry when he beat Percy, again. "Who wants a hot dog?" Frank called out. "Meeeeee!!" Leo and Will said at the same time. "Whats Nico eating? He's got to eat something!" Leo said. "I AM eating something!" Leo turned around to Nico and almost busted out laughing at the sight of Nico eating happy meals. Ironic, right? Everybody grabbed some food and sat in a circle on the beach towels. The waves lapped against the sand, demigods were cheering in the chariot races, and pegasi were munching on hay in the stables. It was a good day.

"So," Piper started. "I have a question." "Go ahead, shoot." Jason responded. "If you all, including me, were to marry somebody, who would it be?" Calypso chuckled. "Of course the daughter of love would ask this." Percy put an arm around Annabeth's shoulder and Saud, "For one, I'd definitely marry Wise Girl here." Annabeth kissed him and said "Me too, Seaweed Brain." "EEEE!" Hazel and Piper squealed. "We're shipping Percabeth so hard right now!" Hazel commented. "For me, I'll pick Frank here." She added. "Aw Hazel. I'd pick you too." Leo had to admit, they were a cute couple. "NICO'S MINE AND NO ONE CAN SAY OTHERWISE!!" Will shouted. Leo put his hands up. "Okay, okay." Nico blushed and tried to hide it. "I'd go for will since no one else is free." He said. "Jason Grace, I choose you!" Piper said. "What am I, Pokémon? " Jason asked. Piper pouted, and Jason said, "Oh cmon, I was joking. But I'd marry you too Pipes!" 

"What about you Leo?"  Hazel asked. "I-well-ah, m-myself! O-obviously!" He grinned nervously. Oh gods, there's no way they believed that. "Oh really?" Piper said, quite very clearly not believing that. "Y-yes?" Leo said, as if not knowing which ones was gonna get him exposed faster.  He sighed. "Okay no." Percy squealed like a girl and Annabeth stared at him. "Percy? When could you scream like that?" Piper joined in the squealing. "WHO IS IT??!?!" Will and Hazel both yelled. "OKAY GUYS QUIT FANGIRLING FOR ONE MINUTE WILL YA?" Leo yelled. Everyone shut up. "I-its Calypso. Yep. I'm dating Calypso."  Percy shrieked. "HOLY SHI-" Leo yelled. Jason covered his ears.  Calypso giggled. "Yeah we've been meaning to tell you, but we didn't find the time."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Percy continued squealing. Annabeth slapped him and he stopped. Jason clapped Leo on the back. "Good job Leo!" He said. "Alright Percy, quite squealing." Leo said

Percy wiped a tear from his eyes. "My little Leo is all grown up."

"What the fu-" Leo was snapped his mouth shut before he could say anything else. 

"Leo!" Piper chided.

"You've already used your poop word." Hazel said. Now, Hazel was like 80 uears old, so she could hardly hear a bad word without fainting.

"Anyways I'm glad you found somebody Leo!" Annabeth said. "Thanks, Wise Girl." Leo replied. Percy was curled up in a ball with Piper and were both fangirling over Leo and Calypso. Leo glanced at Percy, looking concerned. "Is...he okay??" He asked. "Yeah he is. I think he's part girl. I wouldn't be surprised." Jason joked.  So, the rest of the beach day was spent happily with all the couples and Percy's fangirling noises.


A/N- I hope you enjoyed this chapter, tell me what you think of it in the comments!

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