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The colors wheeled around the space in a hypnotic, almost beautiful, pattern. Money was strewn around as they did their thing. The pros molded magic with the metallic wand as they danced with the beats of the DJ, who had probably been here for years as the rest of them. Compared to them, she had been here for a minute to the millennials under their belt.

But four years was nothing to laugh at. She watched the catcalls as the greens embraced the exotic and frankly quite high dancers on the stage. She shook her head as she went back to clearing the bottles on the table.

She straightened the tray as well as her frilly--excuse of a--skirt. She walked away ignoring the piercing eyes she got. It made her feel like running to the ocean to rinse off their amorous glares. She was used to it, unfortunately.

She dropped the bottles on the counter, brushing a lock of her now wine hair which had taken on the hue of the club. She eyed the bottles with disdain as they were taken away.

A screeching whistle. "Oi, how about some service around here?!"

How about a volume control on everything in this place? We all don't get what we want. 

Clutching her hands behind her back was all she could to stop herself from landing a homerun. Her barbie smile spread beautifully as she sauntered her way to the table, cheeks rosy and her chocolate pools for eyes shining.

"What can I get you, gentlemen?" she asked, her voice screakily cheerful and watched the sickening grins plaster themselves. A large group, she noticed. Men of different ages from as old as her grandfather, if she had one, to teenagers like herself surrounded the table in an arc.

That was good in terms of business. More customers meant more money. So that meant, whatever the customer wanted didn't matter, it's the greens that counted, according to Brandon that is. But that also meant more... looks. 

She suppressed the shudder that threatened to break through her system at their unhidden desires.

"Hm," the voice came from a young man, probably the one who spoke earlier. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Garbed in colorful silk clothing.

Ah, she recognized him. Aiden Rodriguez. No new story. Son who wants to live without parents' instructions but is sponsored by his older siblings and has a ridiculous allowance. Quite the regular.

Probably here for coke. She turned to him, and a brow lifted in questioning at his prolonged staring.

"My, you have become prettier than the last time. Though I don't recall your name..." caterpillars wiggled on his temple as he grinned.

Just kill her now. The urge to roll her eyes had never been so tempting but instead she held the tray to herself as she cocked her hip to the side with what she hoped was more of a flirtatious smile and less of a grimace.


He clutched his heart as if in pain, "Like the song from the greatest musicians, her name draws me in without understanding it."

She couldn't help but furrow her brows with an akward smile and sneered in place. What... was that?

Laughter roared out from the table as many guys hit the man's back in tasteless compliments. If that is what it was. There was a low chuckle that took her attention away. Hidden by the dark lights, he wore a white long-sleeved shirt that accentuated his figure with his legs hidden under the table. His coal bangs covered his temple revealing nothing but his thin lips. From every muscle to the very strands that framed his jaw had been sculpted to detailed precise perfection.

"What are you, five?" He directed towards him with a voice deeper than what she had expected. And even more perfect. 

And all this, she noticed, within a nanosecond. 

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