Chapter 1

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Sammy's pov

I was running away frome my bullies through the woods, I don't know why I'm being bullied, it can be because I'm so small for being a boy or maybe it's because I'm an omega but it can also be because I'm gay but that doesn't matter right know. I can fight but my bullies are some of the strongest alpha's in the pack or after the Alpha family. I came to a cliff and the bullies were right behind me but then i heard some howling from some wolf I didn't know so i turned around and saw the most silver eyes I have ever seen. The bullies were long gone so I could relax a bit. I turned my eyes back to the wolf. 

 The wolf looked like an Alpha but he was so big that he didn't look like an normal Alpha, but I was to exhausted to care so i laid my self down and just let my tears drop from my eyes, I was still in my wolf form but i didn' care. I laid there with a big ass wolf staring at me, after some time he bent down and laid down next to me to keep me warm since I was shivering from the cold autumn air. I fell aslepp not long after in a stranger danger arms. When i woke up I was on his back riding himlike he was a horse but soething was of since i was in my human form and not my wolf form. 

"Can you take me to this adress *************" so I said my adress and he just nodded. While we were walking i just laid down on him and cuddled myself in his fur.  We got to my house and I saw my mom looking for something ore someone propobly me since my mom is really carefull wwhen it comes to her kids especially the youngest and the youngest is of course me,we got to the door when my mom basically jumped on me as a hug. I couldn't get off the kind wolf that helped me, so after my mom was done with her hugging I bowed to the wolf and said 

"thank you so much for saving me sir" and my mom did the same as me after since she knows i get bullied, after that i walked to my room to take a shower when i remember that my clothes is in the woods and then i looked down on my body and sae i was wearing a really oversized hoodie that did go down to my knees so i tookit of and put it in the washer so i could wear it to school tomorrow.


Hi I hope you like this chapter :)

English is not my first language so don't mind the spelling errors

I know this is a short chapter but i don't have time to make it longer and i wanted to post this now so it is a short chapter.

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