Chapter 2

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Sammy's  PoV 

I was in my bathroom when my twin sister Summer (2 min older) came into my room and said my name so I walked out off the bathroom and saw Summer sitting onmy bed crying.

"Sum what's wrong ?"

"I don't know what to do know"

"Sum you are making me worried what happend"

"I need some advice and I don't want to talk to anybody else then you"

"come here and tell me what happend" I patted beside my on the bed

"Now what happend" I asked in a soft voice 

"Well I was talking to mom and then she said that we had to move school to the other school here but I didn't want to so I started arguing with her and then i said I wish I had another mom. I didn't mean it but I was so mad because i have just made friends and then she says we have to mve school again" she said sobbing in my arms. Sometimes I wonder who is the oldest but I am that emotinal brother so it's usually me that are crying in her arms but now she needs me the most so I have to be there for her.

" Hey Sum, look at me it's okay you can say sorry and she will forgive you she is your mom after all, but did she say why we needed to move school."

"Yes she said why but Sam why didn't you say something"

"What are you talking about"

"Well we got a letter from the alpha family this morning saying we could move school to the alpha school since you get bullied so much"

"Oka.. How did he know i got bullied, the only one that knows is mom....wait it's one more but i don't who he is he just saved me from them yesterday and Im sorry i didn't tell you it's just that i didn't want you to worried about me so i didn't tell any of you not Asher or Aaron because they would kill them, same with dad and you, yo have your own life to make".

"Well Sammy I'm your only big sister we share everything and when i say everything i mean everything you are literally wearing my skirt (yes he wears skirts and shorts from his sisters closet) now and i want to be that one sibling you can lean on and you hav Aaron and Asher as the provtective siblings because they would kill for you and me but mostly for you because they know what duds are doing and because you are their little brother".

"yeah yeah i know and from know on i'll tell you everything but then you have to do tha same for me okay"

"okay but we have school so we have to go down now"

 We were walking down the stairs when i saw my brothers siting with the dining tabel.

"Good morning brother"

"Good morning sunshine(nickname from childhood) and sum" they said at the same time

When we walked closer to the tabel they looked at us and then  they saw what I was wearing even tho me and summer was matching 

"Go and change Sunshine"

"No i and Sum are going to match"

"Then put this on then" Aaron said and found one of his hoodies and gave it to me and I didn't say anything since it wasen't any point and they would say it to dad and then i had to change my outfit and we are going to go to a new school today so i'll look weird anyways so the hoodie might help

A/n okay Aaron and Asher is both Alphas and Summer is an beta and Sammy is an Omega if you didn't know


At school

I was walking out of my brother's car when someome walked right at me,

"look were you are going loser" the girl that walked right in me she looked like the mean girl in all high school movies said

"jippi a bully" i said sarcastic to myself 

"hey b####" i heard from one of my siblings and when i turned around i saw my brother Aaron with a angry face (it's easy to see because he get red eyes when he is mad) . The girl that smelled lik an alpha turned around and looked at my brothers and started running to them and said 

"hey handsome i haven't seen you two on this school ground"

"well maybe because we just started" said Asher with an annpyed voice its then i fellt my arm being pulled when i looked who it was it was just Summer.

"Brother me and sammy are going to the principal office"

"Who is that bi#ch" the Alpha girl asked looking at us but mostly Summer

"She is our sister so don't mess up" Aaron said with a cold voice 

"What about the loser behind her" she said 

"I'm just their friend" I said and looked at my siblings and saying shut up with my eyes 

"oh okay well i'm Jessica the girl alpha here"

"Sammy come on we have to go" Summer said 

"Not without us sum" Aaron and Asher said at the same time

"Why not we can go with out you guys and i don't want to be late" I said with a baby voice to get my will.

"Fine but be carefull Sunshine and don't talk to any boys without us"

"okay okay" Sum said 

"Bye Bye" i said befor been draged out of the parkinglot and in to the school

"Why did you call him Sunshine" Jessica asked 

"Habit" Asher said cold 


the next chapter will be just school i think so then the rest of the day wil be in the next chapter.

English is not my first language so if its some writing errors don't mind them

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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