Chapter 1: Ordinary Day in Eldenwood

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Eldenwood is a picturesque small town nestled in the hills, where everyone knows everyone, and life moves at a slower pace

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Eldenwood is a picturesque small town nestled in the hills, where everyone knows everyone, and life moves at a slower pace. As the sun rises over the quaint streets, we meet the characters who play pivotal roles in the upcoming mystery.

Detective Lila Thompson Lila Thompson is an early riser. She's at the local diner, sipping her morning coffee, a habit she picked up since moving to Eldenwood. She scans the newspaper, looking for clues about her new community. Despite her calm demeanor, Lila feels the pressure of being the "newbie" in town. She makes small talk with the waitress, trying to gather local gossip without seeming intrusive.

Oliver "Ollie" Hawkins Meanwhile, at Eldenwood High School, art teacher Ollie Hawkins is setting up his classroom for the day. The walls are adorned with student artwork, and there's a scent of paint and clay in the air. Ollie is known for his unconventional teaching methods, and today is no different. He arranges an array of unconventional art supplies, preparing to guide his students in their creative explorations. Despite his eccentricities, Ollie is well-liked by students, who appreciate his quirky sense of humor.

Marcus Greene Marcus Greene, the school's janitor, arrives early to ensure the building is ready for students. He moves silently through the hallways, mopping floors and checking supplies. Marcus is a man of few words, preferring to keep to himself. He has a reputation for being somewhat of a loner, but he does his job efficiently. The teachers and students generally respect him, even if they don't know much about him.

Mayor Harriet Dawson Across town, Mayor Harriet Dawson starts her day in her immaculate office at City Hall. She's a polished politician, always prepared for meetings and press appearances. Harriet is admired for her dedication to the town's prosperity, but she also has a reputation for being a bit too polished—almost to the point of being aloof. She has a full schedule, with appointments and public events, and she's careful to maintain her image.

Officer Ben Price Officer Ben Price, a local police officer, is on his morning patrol. He drives through the streets, waving at residents as he passes. Ben is known for his easygoing personality and approachable demeanor. He stops at the diner for a quick chat with Lila, discussing the latest local news and sharing a laugh with the regulars.

Claire Barrett Finally, we meet Claire Barrett, who lives in a small apartment on the outskirts of town. Claire left Eldenwood years ago, but she's returned to visit her brother, Mr. Raymond Barrett, a popular teacher at the high school. Claire works remotely as a freelance graphic designer, often spending her mornings sketching and listening to music. She's a bit of a free spirit, enjoying her solitude, but she's planning to reconnect with her brother during her stay.

Officer Ben PriceOfficer Ben Price begins his day with a morning patrol around Eldenwood. Known for his easygoing personality, Ben waves at everyone as he drives through town, greeting shop owners and checking in on local businesses. He stops at the diner for a quick coffee, chatting with Detective Lila Thompson about local news and sharing a few laughs with the regulars. Ben is a born-and-bred Eldenwood native, which makes him the go-to officer for information about the town's history and its people. He has a laid-back demeanor but takes his job seriously, keeping a watchful eye on the community he's sworn to protect.

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