Chapter 2: The Discovery

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Detective Lila Thompson arrived at Eldenwood High School, her eyes scanning the scene. It was still early morning, and the first bell had yet to ring. Yellow police tape cordoned off the entrance to the classroom where Mr. Raymond Barrett's body had been found, and a small crowd of officers and paramedics stood nearby, discussing their findings in hushed tones.

 Raymond Barrett's body had been found, and a small crowd of officers and paramedics stood nearby, discussing their findings in hushed tones

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Lila approached Officer Ben Price, who was coordinating with the first responders. He gave her a nod as she joined him at the edge of the tape.

"Morning, Lila," he said, his usual easygoing demeanor tinged with a hint of unease. "Security guard found him early this morning. Said he was doing his rounds when he noticed the classroom door was ajar. Walked in and found the body."

Lila raised an eyebrow. "Did he touch anything?"

"No, just called it in," Ben replied. "The guard didn't notice anything suspicious last night, but Mr. Barrett apparently came to the school late, maybe to get some documents from his desk."

"Any idea why?" Lila asked, stepping under the tape to enter the classroom.

"Nope. We're still figuring it out," Ben said, following her. "But it looks like there was a struggle. A few things are knocked over, but not much else out of place."

The classroom was silent, the only sound the distant murmur of the paramedics outside. Lila took in the scene—the overturned chairs, a broken mug on the floor, and Mr. Barrett's lifeless body slumped against the wall. It was a jarring sight, the sudden violence contrasting sharply with the otherwise ordinary school environment.

"What's that on the floor?" Lila asked, pointing to a small piece of jewelry near Mr. Barrett's desk. It looked like a pendant, but it was hard to tell in the dim light.

"Not sure," Ben replied, snapping on a pair of gloves. "Could be a clue."

Lila nodded, taking careful notes. She also noticed a partially erased message on the blackboard, just a few words that didn't seem to make much sense. It was likely from a previous lesson, but it could be a clue as well. And then there was the missing file folder from Mr. Barrett's desk—an absence that seemed odd given that he came to the school specifically to retrieve documents.

"We'll need to interview everyone who might have been here last night," Lila said, stepping back from the body. "Start with the janitor, Marcus Greene. He has a key to the school and might have seen something."

Ben nodded, jotting down her instructions. "I'll get right on it."

As Lila left the classroom, she knew this was just the beginning. A respected teacher's murder would send shockwaves through the community, and the pressure to solve the case would be intense. She glanced back at the crime scene, her mind racing with possibilities.

Outside, the sun was rising over Eldenwood, casting a golden glow on the school's brick walls. The scene might have looked peaceful from a distance, but Lila knew that beneath the calm exterior, something dark and dangerous was lurking. It was up to her to uncover it, one clue at a time.

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