Paris Fashion Week

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Paris Fashion Week

Taking Joseph's sage advice to heart, Joe booked the first flight he could get to the City of Lights, determined to win back the love of his life.

Touching down in Paris, he was met by Ashanti's best friend Galina, his supportive ally in this quest.

Together, they hurried to Ashanti's second runway show of the day, just barely making it in time to grab seats in the third row.

There Joe sat mesmerized as Ashanti glided down the catwalk, a vision in each exquisite outfit she modeled. His heart swelled with pride at seeing her living out her dream.

"She looks so beautiful," he murmured, transfixed by her radiance.

Galina patted his arm knowingly, "Win our girl back, Joe," she urged, seeing the adoration in his eyes.

After the show, a triumphant Ashanti took her bow with the other models and designers. Joe and Galina leaped to their feet, applauding enthusiastically.

Then Galina whisked Joe backstage, where they found Ashanti giving an interview. Waiting patiently off to the side, Joe clutched a bouquet of roses, Ashanti's favorite. When she finished, Ashanti headed over to greet Galina with a warm hug. That's when she caught sight of Joe and the flowers, her smile fading.

This breakup was hard enough without Joe's grand romantic gesture. Her phone had been blowing up with pleas to reconsider. And now here he was, halfway around the world, still hoping for another chance.

With a resigned sigh, Ashanti accepted the bouquet, thanking him softly for coming despite her wishes. But Galina encouraged her to hear him out. So Ashanti extended an invitation to join her and the designer for a celebratory dinner.

At the restaurant, Joe gallantly escorted the two most important women in his world inside. The designer, an effusive man named Arlo, immediately approached Joe with a business card and an offer for him to model in an upcoming campaign, to the girls' amusement.

For the first time in weeks, Joe felt hopeful about his future with Ashanti. The dinner was a success, with the two reconnecting. Galina surreptitiously snapped photos of them, texting their group chat "They are so getting back together!"

 Galina surreptitiously snapped photos of them, texting their group chat "They are so getting back together!"

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