Chapter 10

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I blink once .

Twice .

Thrice .

No it's all real .

I look at him , his lips pursed and his jaw tense . My mother stands there , her hands folded in front of her as she looks at both me and him hesitantly .

This woman might have given birth to me , but aside from her chocolate brown hair and eyes I got nothing else from her . While she is too shy and timid , I am too bold and confident. While she worries what people might say or think about her , I act as if I am the only living person in this world . While she is naïve and too easy going , I am stoic and ready to fight tooth and nail for my rights .

I hate how she stands there , as though embarrassed and ashamed of herself .

She definitely screwed up by bringing him over but the storm wasn't her doing obviously .

« I see . I hope my presence won't be a burden to you , Miss Floris . » He says addressing her and she shakes her head frantically .

« It is me who should apologise , I brought you into this mess . Trust me you are more than welcome to stay here until it's safe to leave . »

He averts his gaze to me . I look away immediately , I don't like the idea of having him around for God knows how much .

« Thank you . » He tells mom with a small nod .

The later  smiles and calls Beth who appears instantly , wiping her hands in her apron .

« Please prepare a room for Kane , make sure he feels comfortable enough . »

Beth nods looking at him with narrowed eyes . At least I am not the only one upset about this . I stand up finally pushing away from my chair and ready to confine myself in my room for the next few days . Unfortunately both he and I stand at the same time , we stare at each other or more accurately , glare .

« If you will excuse me I need to make a call quickly . » Mom gets out of his way as he nods and walks past her to the living room . She looks back at me , her big tired eyes stare into mine , I only shake my head and start walking towards the stairs , she grabs my wrist stopping me .

« Try to be on your best behavior , Hannah . »

I sigh and meet her eyes . « Don't worry , I will be in my room until the end of the snow storm . Beth can put my food at my door since that's all I will be needing anyways . »

« No you won't . » She lets go of my wrist to grab my shoulders . « Hannah they might suspend you . Yes maybe it's okay , you won't be the first person who gets suspended after all but I know that you worked hard to have that amazing record with which all the elite colleges will be fighting over you . Are you sure you want to ruin it all now ? »

« How is having my teacher stay at my house going to help , mother ? » I take a step back . « Did you think that we will be here playing chess and watching Christmas movies and that's it ! He will just pretend nothing happened ? » There is a hurt in her eyes , I don't know what exactly made her face contort this way but amid this wave of anger that overtook me now , I can barely stop the words from coming out of my mouth . « Even if he was convinced , do you think that ball head principal will ? » I chuckle humorlessly as I pass a frustrated hand through my hair and look away . There is a second or two of silence before she speaks again .

« Pardon me daughter for being a mother who cares for your wellbeing and who is ready to do all it takes for you to never suffer again . » She starts walking towards the stairs . « Next time , nobody will enter your house without your permission . » She disappears up the stairs without giving me another look . Shit so that was what made her upset for real .

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