„consciousness is a great thing!"

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No one will ever tell you how loud complete silence is. At that moment, I felt like I heard everything and nothing, all at once.
The moment my brothers limp body hit the stage floor, right in front of my eyes.
This stadium was so huge, yet everyone fell into complete silence. I could have sworn that at that moment I heard my own heartbeat, my own breathing, which suddenly became heavy. Zayn hung the guitar around his neck and ran up to Archie, Percy stopped tapping the drumsticks on his drums, and Jamie took his fingers off the keys and there was complete silence, eating me up inside.
All I heard from behind me was the sound of someone in the audience shouting, "Is he okay?"
No, he fucking wasn't.
My brother was lying unconscious in the middle of the stage where he had performed moments before, as if he was on the top of the world.
And a moment later he fell off of it.
I covered my mouth with my hand and watched in horror as the stadium slowly filled with whispers again. Iris and Jane held my arms tightly as they saw the color drain from my face. I saw medics carrying my brother off the stage.
I didn't even know what to do with myself, I saw the looks of the rest of the guys on stage, they were just as lost as me. Percy's gaze found mine and just as quickly as it met mine, it left it just as fast.
He shouted something to the security guards and ran after the medics carrying Archie backstage. My eyes changed direction and fell on Zayn's face. He was sweaty, his jaw was clenched so tight that from my perspective it looked like he was about to crush his teeth.
Then he grabbed the microphone, bringing it to his mouth and panting slightly.
- You'll get your money back. - That was the only thing he said, before he dropped the guitar from around his neck and ran after the medics along with the rest of the group. His voice crackled as he was speaking.
Seeing Zayn like this, when he was usually a composed and very collected man who was calm and knew what to do in every situation was really weird. Now, he had no idea what to do.
He was lost, just like me.
Like everyone, actually.
I stood there frozen in place, I didn't even feel when one of the security guards grabbed my arm and started leading me backstage, even though his grip was strong and firm. The stadium began to empty, my friends were left behind, leaving me alone.
My heart was beating like crazy in my chest. I panted to myself as I tried to come back to reality. A reality in which I would have to go to the hospital with my older brother. He was talking to me the whole way. I was so shocked that I didn't catch a single sentence, not even a word. Suddenly I felt another hand grab me. More firm, the grip of the hand shaking slightly.
- Lilith. - That's all I heard, before my eyes focused on the person in front of me. He was the manager of the boysband my brother was in.
His name was Callum.
His hands cupped my cheeks when he saw that I was having trouble focusing on what was happening. - What the hell happened there? - He asked, his thumbs lightly touching my cheeks.
My eyes darted from one of his eyes to the other.
- Archie. I whispered, squeezing my jaw as om waited for me to continue. - He just suddenly collapsed, I don't know what's going on. - I stuttered out, my voice seemed like i was about to cry.
He aggressively inhaled and released my face, placing his hand on his forehead.
- Fuck. - He whispered.
After a while, without saying a word, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me in a completely different direction.
God, does everyone have to drag me around like that?
We walked through the backstage corridors before we emerged in front of the stadium.
Red and blue lights hit my eyes. I had to squint slightly to see anything, and what I saw was a huge group of paparazzi surrounding the ambulance to which they were taking my brother. The lights from the cameras mingled with the lights of the ambulance as we hurried towards it.
Archie looked like he was just sleeping. Apart from the blood flowing from his nose, he looked calm. We pushed our way through the pure chaos around us, several people in the crowd being aggressively pushed to the side.
- Mr. Luciano's sister. - Callum explained, I saw the medic nod his head. Then, he grabbed my arms and helped me into the ambulance.
Before I let them close the door behind me, I leaned out one last time and looked at Callum.
- You're not going? - I asked, the wind blowing my hair away slightly.
He was just leaving. When he heard my voice in the crowd, he immediately turned around.
- I'll go to the hospital by myself. - He explained, scanning me with his blue eyes. - Call Grey. - He said before he turned around again and disappeared into the crowd. The ambulance door slammed shut and the medic directed me to sit a little at the front of the ambulance so I wouldn't see Archie.
I heard the driver honking at the paparazzi who had gathered around us to capture one of the most famous singers in the country unconscious in the ambulance. It took me a while to get myself together.
It also took a little jolt from the medic before I could concentrate enough to even answer the question.
- Is there anyone who will be able to provide us with more information about Mr. Luciano? - One of the medical team members asked. - He's been unconscious for a long time, and he probably broke his arm. - He explained and I felt chills.
I swallowed and took a deep breath before I could say anything.
- Yes... my brother... Grey... - I said, looking at the man with genuine fear in my eyes.
He saw the terror. I think he knew that look well, too well.
- Do you have your phone with you? -
- Yes. -
- Call your brother. Tell him to come to the hospital. - The man instructed me, and without a moment of hesitation, I took the phone out of my pocket and dialled Gray's number. I waited for him to answer for a while, but when I heard his voice saying "Lilth? Is everything alright?"
Suddenly tears came to my eyes. Fortunately, the concert was in the same city where we lived.
- I'm going to the hospital with Archie. - I said, but my voice broke. - He collapsed during the concert. -
He didn't even ask me anything, the only answer I got was a short "I'll be there soon" and the sound of the call being disconnected.

Before I knew it, I was sitting in the hospital waiting room, my leg was shaking like crazy and the only thing I could hear was the sound of a ticking clock. I looked at it. 2:40 at night.
Suddenly, Percy bursts through the door, followed by Zayn and Jamie. Everyone was nervous, but Gray and Callum, who entered a moment after them, looked the worst. I immediately stood up and walked over to them, Zayn's arms wrapped around me immediately catching me in his warm, reassuring embrace. He was the only boy who didn't care about my brothers being overprotective. He wasn't afraid to hold me when I needed him.
So I snuggled into him.
- Do you know what's going on with him?- Jamie asked, brushing his dark curls out of his face.
I nodded no, my cheek rubbing against Zayn's chest, his hands slowly running up and down my back. I was horrified. Why didn't he get up for so long?

We had been waiting for a good hour. Everyone sat silently in the waiting room on chairs placed right next to each other. Zayn's hand remained on my shoulder, his thumb making slow, circular motions on my shoulder blade. I looked up at the clock. Half past three. A slow exhale escaped my lips before I rubbed my eyes tiredly.
Finally, the doctor walked out of the room where Archie had been taken. They probably did like twenty tests on him, and then he opened his eyes.
As soon as I saw this doctor, I jumped up and Grey did just the same.
- Is he okay? - Zayn asked, my head turned towards him without hesitation when he spoke. However, I didn't meet his gaze, he was focused on the man in the white suit. - He woke up, but only his family can visit him first. - He explained.
Gray immediately moved towards the door, with me right behind him.
I felt my friend's hand slip from my side as I ran after my older brother. I finally caught up to him when he was standing over Archie's bed with his arms crossed over his chest.
His tired, slightly nervous gaze fell on me. I saw the stress melt away from him and his face contort into a slight smile.
- Good evening, Chipmunk. - He smiled, his voice slightly hoarse from how long he had been unconscious.
God, I hated that nickname. He came up with it when I was still a little kid.
I could never sleep without eating at least a bowl of nuts before bed, and the phenomenal ten year old Archie and fifteen year old Gray decided to name me after those idiotic chipmunks from that animated movie.
But now I really didn't care.
I turned and looked at the doctor as his presence interrupted my response to his greeting.
- You were very lucky, Mr. Luciano. - He started, and I was twisting the corner of my shirt in my fingers out of nervousness. - No concussion, no broken nose, however, there is a broken right wrist. - He said, turning over the papers he was holding.
I looked at Gray who looked at the doctor with a serious expression and then at Archie.
We were a pain in the ass for this man.
Since our parents died, leaving an eighteen year old boy with an eight year old and a twelve year old, he hasn't been able to handle the two of us very well.
But he definitely raised us to be good people, and Archie is now able to make millions.
That's why neither of us works, Gray just works in a coffee shop to have something to do.
- Besides, you have very low iron levels in your blood. I prescribed you iron, I also recommend eating vegetables rich in it... - The doctor continued, my eyes fell to the ground. - And you must rest. Apart from that, everything is fine, you will be able to leave the hospital in the morning. - He ended, giving us a slight smile.
At that moment, I saw Gray's nervousness leave his face instantly. He closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth, then turned towards the wall.
I walked over to the bed and looked at my brother. He looked terrible, what can I say. His entire arm was plastered and his eyes were heavy lidded.
- How do you feel? - I asked, lightly brushing his hair out of his face.
He chuckled lightly and closed his eyes.
- I feel just the way I look. - He breathed out.
I laughed and sat on the edge of his bed. Soon Archie's friends rushed into the room and I looked at them as they sighed with joy that he was okay.
- You want to kill us, you really do. - Jamie laughed, ruffling his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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